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热那亚之于利久立海,就如雅尔达之于什麽?Genoa is to the Ligurian Sea as Yalta is to the WHAT?

雅尔塔会议做的主要决定是什么?What was the major decisions made at Yalta conference?

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苏东剧变结束了二战以来的雅尔塔体制,也结束了冷战秩序。The collapse of Yalta System disintegrated the Cold War Order.

这个雅尔塔协议实际上谈的就是开辟第二战场。The Yalta agreement actually is talking about opening a second front.

此外,土耳其派遣了高级官员前往雅尔塔,还在黑海举行了一次招待会。It sent senior officials to Yalta and hosted a reception on the Black Sea.

战后日本问题,本质上说就是雅尔塔体系问题。In essence, the Japan Issue in the postwar era derives from the Yalta System.

在雅尔塔欠下的债和不可分割的自由欧洲要求它不可能后退。The debt incurred at Yalta and the indivisibility of a free Europe demanded no less.

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贾庆林3日在雅尔塔市会见了雅尔塔市苏维埃主席博亚尔丘克和代市长基里琴科。On November 3, Jia met with Chairman of the Yalta City Soviet and acting mayor in the city of Yalta.

罗斯福是在良好的精神状态,当他向国会报告后,他从雅尔塔会议的回报。Roosevelt was in good spirits when he reported to Congress after his return from the Yalta conference.

2011年6月18日,国家主席胡锦涛在雅尔塔会见乌克兰总统亚努科维奇。On June 18, 2011, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovich in Yalta.

雅尔塔协定、中苏条约与重庆谈判之间具有相当密切和直接的关系。There existed direct a nd close contract among Yalta agreement, China-USSR treaty and Chongqing negotiation.

雅尔塔会议是美英苏三国关于德国赔偿问题进行的第一次公开讨论。Conference at Yalta is the first meeting for the U. S. , UK and Societ Union to openly discuss reparations by Germany.

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他虚弱的肺结核和在1898年交换了积极的生活方式在莫斯科的安宁雅尔塔。He became debilitated by tuberculosis and in 1898 exchanged his active lifestyle in Moscow for the tranquility of Yalta.

这家三星级的雅尔塔酒店高高地坐落于雅尔塔市的美丽的马桑德拉公园里,面朝大海。The 3 star Yalta Hotel is situated high above the town of Yalta, facing the sea and located in the beautiful Massandra park.

这条神奇的生物在与基辅动物园的合作项目中被从德国带到了雅尔塔。The snake was brought to Yalta from Germany within the framework of the project realized in collaboration with the Kiev zoo.

当时中国的国民党政府同苏联签订条约,承认了雅尔塔的安排。注意,注意力集中。At that time, the Kuomintang government signed a pact with the Soviet Union recognizing the arrangements of the Yalta agreement.

“我没有说这个结果是好的,”罗斯福在雅尔塔之后向外交部的意味官员解释说,“我是说这是我所能做到的最好的结果了。”I didn't say the result was good, commented F. D. R. to a State Department official after Yalta. I said it was the best I could do.

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雅尔塔协议以明确的语言将千岛群岛的权利给予苏联,苏联也信守了该条约对其要求的义务。The explicit language of the Yalta Treaty gave the Soviet Union a right to the Kurils, and the Soviet Union upheld its own obligations under that treaty.

他告诉议会,在雅尔塔他和同盟的领导人们已经终结了势力范围的存在,而实际上,当时正是在他们的主持下创建了一个。He told Congress that at Yalta he and his fellow leaders had put an end to spheres of influence when, in fact, they had presided over the creation of one.

在雅尔塔会议上,在没有波兰代表参与的情况下,苏美英三大国初步商定了波兰东部的边界。On Yalta Conference, without Poland representative attending, The Russia, the America and the British initial established the eastern boundary of the Poland.