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乙醛广泛存在于环境中,危害人体健康。Acetaldehyde almost exists ubiquitously and is harmful to people.

这并不像现在普遍存在广告,但还没有从市场上消失。It isn't as ubiquitously advertised now, but it hasn't disappeared from the market.

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这两幅著名的多意图像常见于心理学教科书中。Both of these popular ambiguous images are ubiquitously seen in psychology textbooks.

他说,书写是一种普遍掌握的技术,它在我们的自然环境中扎根。Writing, he says, is a technology that is ubiquitously embedded into our environment.

这就造成室内设计中普遍存在着光与空间设计相脱节的现象。This will ubiquitously induces the disjoint phenomenon between the light and space design.

随着RFID技术的发展,RFID应用正无所不在。With the development of RFID technology, RFID is being applied ubiquitously in every field.

铁蛋白是广泛存在于生物体内的储存铁的蛋白质,它参与生物体内的铁代谢。Ferritins are ubiquitously distributed in organisms and take an important role in iron metabolism.

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鲨烯的效用安全,适合人类服用,而且以微量形式普遍存在于人体组织。Squalene is safe for human consumption and occurs ubiquitously in human tissues in minute amounts.

自然语言中数字的语义模糊性表达及其特殊的修辞功能无处不在。It is Semantic Fuzziness and its rhetoric function that come and go in natural language ubiquitously.

“气”在中国的传统哲学中,是一个无所不在的存在,它是我们中华民族特有的。"Qi", which can be seen ubiquitously in Chinese traditional philosophy, is the unique feature for China.

所有这三种酶都被认为是以无所不在和既定的形式分布在大部分细胞和组织中。All three enzymes were considered to be expressed ubiquitously and constitutively in most cells and tissues.

沉闷的海浪,推着冰渣,无所不在地涌动起来,又在狂暴的风中弥漫得无边无际。The dreary sea waves, pushing ice scraps, were surging again ubiquitously , permeating in the rough winds without limit.

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激肽原是缓激肽的前体,广泛存在于哺乳动物、鸟类、两栖动物和鱼类等脊椎动物中。Kininogens, the precursors of bradykinins, ubiquitously exist in vertebrates, including mammals, birds, amphibians, and fishes.

同样,荧光凝血酶约束无所不在表面的纤维蛋白凝块,重叠略有聚苯乙烯揭露血小板。Similarly, fluorescent thrombin bound ubiquitously on the surface of fibrin clots, overlapping slightly with PS-exposing platelets.

因此多环芳烃在环境中无所不在,分布十分广泛,人体可能通过大气、水、食品等途径摄入多环芳烃。Therefore, PAHs ubiquitously and widely distribute in the environment, so people could intake PAHs through the atmosphere, water and food.

考虑到这些系统是世界级规模的,我们无处不在使用冗余技术来保证一致性能和高可用性。Given the worldwide scope of these systems, we use replication techniques ubiquitously to guarantee consistent performance and high availability.

之前的研究表明AQP1普遍表达于肿瘤血管内皮,并且在其他的许多肿瘤细胞中也有表达。Previous studies have demonstrated that AQP1 is ubiquitously expressed in tumor vascular endothelium and is also expressed in many types of tumor cells.

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现代商业社会已经是一个商品品牌无处不在的社会,因为良好的品牌意味着产品的质量和信誉。Because the good brand means product quality and prestige, the modern commercial society has already been a society which a commodity brand ubiquitously.

本发明提供普遍存在于动物活体中的新型ATP敏感性钾离子通道蛋白,和其基因。The present invention provides novel ATP-sensitive potassium-channel proteins which are present ubiquitously in the living bodies of animals, and their genes.

RBBP10编码182个氨基酸,广泛低表达于多种人类组织,在肿瘤组织中表达水平较高。RBBP10 encodes a 182 residues putative protein and expresses ubiquitously in many human tissues in a quite low level, and the expression is high in tumor tissues.