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她的皮草外套。Her fur coat.

把你的上衣扣好。Do up your coat.

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这是谁的毛呢?Who is this coat?

她的外衣敞着。Her coat was open.

穿上你的外套。Putt on your coat.

他把我的外套挂起来。He hung up my coat.

他的上衣和他合身。His coat fits well.

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我要寄放外套。I'll check my coat.

他让上衣松垂着。He blouses the coat.

我现在正穿着大衣呢。I'm wearing my coat.

脱下你的外套吧。Taket off your coat.

这件上衣很耐穿。The coat wears well.

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他把外衣扣紧。He fastened his coat.

一件蓬松的红狐皮大衣。A shaggy red fox coat.

他轻快地穿上外套。He popped his coat on.

我的衣服需要补一补。I need my coat mended.

这大衣易干。The coat dries easily.

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这件外套是李明的。This coat is Li Mings.

这是李明的外套。This is Li Mings coat.

一个明显的长大衣。A distinctly long coat.