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我在拌和配料做蛋糕。I'm mixing a cake.

这是由于混合的过程和。Because of the mixing process.

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一个白色塑料盘。One white plastic mixing bowl.

所有这些都是由混合熵引起的。All driven by entropy of mixing.

所以不会有混合物的焓。So there's no enthalpy of mixing.

我们正在混合模型和视图逻辑。We are mixing model and view logic.

所以他们感觉到都是混合能。So they all feel the energy of mixing.

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是的。调用我所知道的词汇…Yep. mixing with the vocabulary I know.

画家在忙着调颜色。The painter was busy mixing his colours.

我们能计算混合物的焓。We can calculate our enthalpy of mixing.

电镀时间搅拌效果不良。Electroplating time mixing effect is bad.

今天是调酒训练班上课的第一天。It is the first day of wine mixing class.

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还不都怪你把两种汤混在一起!It's your fault for mixing the two broths!

设有定时装置,搅拌时间可调。Timing device adjusts the time for mixing.

我会和弗朗西斯拉皮埃尔一起过的。I'll be mixing it up with Francis LaPierre.

混棉中存在未成熟棉。Presence of immature cottons in the mixing.

语码转换以句内语码转换为主。Code mixing is mainly done within sentences.

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他混合盐和水制成溶液。He made a solution by mixing salt with water.

他还想在此混下去。He still wants to reserve aboard mixing here.

计时器可在0-30分钟之间选择混料时间。Mixing timer able to set within 0-30 minytes.