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他们残酷地为死者报仇。They revenged their dead cruelly.

孤独便残酷地统治整个世界。Alonenss enfolds the world cruelly.

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但是,这种逻辑极其昂贵。But such logic is cruelly expensive.

我蔑视如此虐待孩子的人。I contemn the people who treat children so cruelly.

看心爱电视剧的权利也被剥夺了,帕蒂觉得自己很可怜,她关掉了电视机。Feeling cruelly deprived, she turned off the television.

当我玩腻了时,我会狠狠地踹开他们。Anyway if I get tired of them I'll fuck them off cruelly.

乌斯曼残忍地鞭打她,发誓要让她生不如死。Usman cruelly whipped her and vowed to let she were dead.

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在旧社会,长工们受到地主的虐待。Farmhands were cruelly treated by landlords in the old days.

四季求小宝留下,小宝都狠心地拒绝了。Small treasure left four seasons, xiao bao cruelly rejected.

所有这些美好的期望全在那天夜晚被无情地粉碎了。All such bright anticipations were cruelly dashed that night.

他说他在集中营曾受到残酷的迫害。He said he had been cruelly hounded in the concenration camp.

这时我们发现被无情地切断与无线世界的联系。And we find ourselves cruelly cut off from the wireless world.

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执迷不悔的人们都忘了曾经横施于动物身上的毒手。Being remorseless, we forgot how cruelly we have treated the animals.

教室里,四面墙壁像警察一样看守着我们,特别地沉闷。The rooms were cruelly dismal with their walls on guard like policemen.

如果一客人在你的地盘惹恼你。不要对他仁慈。要残忍对待他。If a guest in your lair annoys you. treat him cruelly and without mercy.

在长大之后,丽塔仍然被整个城镇当作一个“法西斯婊子”来对待。Evenwhen grown, Rita is cruelly abused by the whole town as a ‘fascistslut’.

约翰尼大约25岁,一次化学品爆炸把他的面部完全炸坏了。Johnny was about 25, with a face cruelly disfigured by a chemical explosion.

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你这么恶毒地说别人,总有一天会遭报应的。One of these days you'll get what you deserve for speaking so cruelly about people!

或者,再残酷一点,将维系他们感情的生命线——她的电话直接换掉。Or – more cruelly – her mobile, the lifeline of their relationship, is simply cut off.

她残酷地镇压戊戌变法运动就是这一基本思想的反映。It is actually reflection of this view that she cruelly kept down the Movement of 1898.