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创建一笔备用基金。Create a slush fund.

雪花变成了雪泥。The snow turned to slush.

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雪已经变成了雪泥。The snow had turned to slush.

哪怕曼哈顿只有点雪泥也好。I'd even settle for Manhattan slush.

院外集团的说客用贿金拉拢政府官员。Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials.

用来贿赂知名政客或其他有影响力的官员的资金。Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials.

又一遍。那三月的天空阴暗,街道泥泞。And over. A gray day in March, slush in the streets.

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行人走在泥浆中,下半身全溅上了污泥。Pedestrians were splashed to the HIP in muddy slush.

尼克森用行贿基金支付监视民主党活动的款项。Nixon used a slush fund to finance spy on the democrats.

使用冰浴的时候,在一个大桶里装满水和冰。For ice slush baths, fill a large bucket with water and ice.

这个重达100吨的装置内装满了冰状的固态水煤气混合物。The 100-ton box filled up with an ice-like slush of gas and water.

雨使雪化成了雪水,搞得山边景色黯然无趣。The rain turned the snow to slush and made the mountain-side dismal.

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与液氢相比,浆氢具有许多优点。Compare with liquid hydrogen, slush hydrogen has a lot of advantages.

他在倾盆而降的大雨中踏着满道泥泞,漫步而行。He tramped in the mud and slush of the roadway through the pouring rain.

冰敷包括冰袋、冰浴、冰按摩等。Ice treatments can consist of ice packs, ice slush baths or ice massages.

直到一辆城市公交车以40码的时速呼啸而过,溅你一身棕色雪泥。Until a city bus plows by at 40 mph and sprays you with muddy, brown slush.

至今积雪上还没有任何足迹,道路上也没有踏脏的雪泥。There are as yet no tracks through the drifts, no muddied slush in the roads.

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本发明适合在各种冰淇淋机、雪蓉机上使用。The invention is suitable for use on various ice cream freezers and slush machines.

加入1-2汤匙水,则混合后得到的是稠厚的果泥。You might wish to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of water so the final mix is a thick slush.

他在这里下了车,转身沿着第七大道往回走,但是路上泥泞不堪。Landed here, he turned to walk back along Seventh Avenue, but the slush was too much.