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这是典型的英国沙文主义和偏狭心理的事例。It was a typical case of British chauvinism and insularity.

同样对风险的规避演变成了贸易保护主义和岛国劣根性。This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity.

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只有加强比较研究,才能从根本上改变美国冲突法的这种“岛国心态”。And the only way to change the insularity of American conflicts law is to strengthen the comparative study.

每年的涨潮时期这个平台就会被淹没数天,同时形成了圣米歇尔山与世隔绝的状态。The platform is submerged several days a year on high tide and provides total insularity of the Mont Saint-Michel.

外国手机应用软件发展商因日本是岛国并没有进一步考虑给他机会。Foreign developers of applications for phones didn't give the Japanese market a second thought because of its insularity.

最后,我杯具的工作表现、餐具的整体经济、老式的新英格兰偏狭气质,这三者的合体终于让我丢了工作。I finally got fired, the combination of poor job performance, a ruined economy and good old-fashioned New England insularity.

与其强迫北京与朝鲜断绝往来,美国和其同盟国倒不如进一步努力将朝鲜从孤立隔绝中解救出来。Instead of pressing Beijing to cut off North Korea, the US and its allies should further develop their own efforts to draw North Korea out of its insularity.

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如果说小说第一部分只是影射了种族主义,那么在第二部分,种族的不平等得到了野蛮的渲泄,小城梅岗也从一个尚可原谅的封闭小镇成了一个恶贯满盈、种族主义猖獗的大粪坑。The racism alluded to in the first part explodes in all its savagery, and the town – which seemed to be guilty only of a forgivable insularity – becomes a cesspit.

人类居住区生态足迹的减少对于留尼旺岛是至关重要的,这将是其人口转变和其与外界隔绝的直接后果。The reduction of the ecological footprint of human settlements is vital for Reunion Island, as a direct consequence of its demographic transition and its insularity.

他们对成功习以为常,因此让汽车业务变成官僚机构和固步自封状态的附庸,这最终导致公司在2009年一蹶不振。So accustomed were they to success that they allowed the car business to become secondary to the bureaucracy and insularity that would bring the company down in 2009.

鉴于印度的政治阶级和同道的知识分子的总体僵化,至少有一个国家的经验是他们所乐于借鉴的。Given the general insularity of India's political class and fellow-travelling intelligentsia, here's at least one country whose experiences they're willing to learn from.

再说了,打麻将是那个岛国鬼子说的,这个年轻人事先又不知道玩的是麻将,所以抽老千是绝对不可能的。Said repeatedly, play mahjong is that insularity devil says, what this young man in advance and no know to play is a mahjong, so take out age thousand is absolutely impossible.

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但是中国需要清楚的意识到,中国是庞大的,面临的挑战是巨大的,若是中国想要撤退到僵化和偏狭的地方,地球村实在太小。But China needs to make it clear that it understands that China is too big, the challenges too great and the global village too small for China to retreat into inflexibility or insularity.

此外,许多占主导地位的全国性聚焦的专业协会和机构偏狭性思想的加强,阻碍了区域和国际间科学问题的发展进程。Furthermore, the predominantly national focus of many professional societies and institutions reinforces an insularity that impedes progress on regional and international scientific problems.