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由国际标准化组织了200余花仍然尖锐。By ISO 200 I took the flower still sharp.

ISO大致是在暗光下对光的敏感程度。ISO is a rough measure of sensitivity to low light.

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以下是一个ISO收费类型的HBM文件片段Here is a sample HBM file excerpt for ISO charge type

客户喜爱单一管道从国巨集团取得产品与服务。Customer prefers single channel to Yageo group iso DUAL.

用7-Zip解压ISO镜像文件可能不会太简单。Extracting the Iso image with 7-Zip could not be easier.

下过大雪后有几个村子与外界隔绝了。Several villages have been iso lated by heavy snow falls.

右键单击ISO镜像文件,并选择“属性”。Right click on the ISO image file and select 'Properties'.

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只要左击电脑里面的ISO文件选择它。Just left-click the Iso on the computer system to select it.

一旦ISO镜像创建好,它就可以烧录成DVD了。Once the Iso image has been created it can be burned to DVD.

本企业通过了ISO9002质量体系认证。The factory has been awarded ISO 9002 quality system certificate.

国际标准化组织15407-2分基地之间的电耦合阀和标准。ISO 15407-2 electric coupling standard between valve and sub-base.

照相机使用自动灵敏度时,图片的ISO图像信息将被保存。ISO EXIF value for images saved when automatic sensitivity in use.

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重新下载iso,发现安装情况在实机上看起来比较顺利。Redownloaded the .ISO and things seem happier on a physical machine.

在地理空间数据的管理方面使用了哪些国际标准化组织的标准?Which ISO standards are used for the management of geo-spatial data?

按照公司职业健康安全及环境要求规范工作。Work according to the company requirement of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18000.

方法应用免疫比浊法、电点聚焦及银染色法进行检测。Methods Using immune iso electric focusing and nephelometry immunoassay.

维修人员基础执照,ISO内审员培训证书。Maintenance Personnel License, ISO Internal Auditor Training Certificate.

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下载完成后,烧录到CD上,然后按下面视频教程来做就可以。Once downloaded, burn the ISO to a CD and follow the video tutorial below.

国际标准化组织7816-1标准规定的物理特性卡。The ISO 7816-1 standard specifies the physical characteristics of the card.

ISO国家代码使用两个字符。您可以使用该字段来快速搜索。The ISO country code in two chars. You can use this field for quick search.