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莫名其妙的好运气,没有东西可代替。There is no substitute for in comprehensible good luck.

语言虽有不同,但又彼此互通。The languages are different, but mutually comprehensible.

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即使报站名也是用容易理解的英语。Even the announcements are made in comprehensible English.

这是一本专家才看得懂的书。This is a book that is comprehensible only to specialists.

并提出一个具分析性的机制来理解某些辞汇。An analytical mechanism is proposed to make terms comprehensible.

只有在可理解性输入的基础上,习得才有可能发生。Only based on the comprehensible input can the acquisition take place.

宇宙中最不可理解的事,是宇宙是可以理解的。The most incomprehensible thing about the Univers is that it is comprehensible.

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当然是,但这可能更像对缺乏工作机会的反应——完全可以理解。Certainly, but more than likely a comprehensible response to lack of opportunity.

与其他艺术的“语言”相比较,其他艺术语言偏于感受性,文学语言则偏于理解性。Compared with other artistic language, it is more comprehensible while the latter is more sensible.

输入语假释强调可理解的输入对学习者习得语言是很有帮助的。The input hypothesis emphasizes that comprehensible input is helpful for lerners to acquire language.

裴主教说,该字典有五百个基督宗教的基本术语,有简明清晰且易于理解的定义。Bishop Doc said the book, with 500 basic Christian terms, has concise, clear and comprehensible definitions.

我们再回到助理编辑的任务中来――其中首要任务是使文章通俗易懂。Here we return to the sub-editor's many tasks — with making the article comprehensible at the top of the list.

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数量庞大的数据通常必须经过概括或删减的程序才能为人所理解。Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible.

程序设计和规约是在更高的抽象层次上,这一层次更简洁和易于理解。Program design and specification are executed at a higher level of abstract, this level is very compact and comprehensible.

现在宇宙运行已经下降到可以理解的物质运动速度,我们设为K。Now the operation of the universe is leveled down to the comprehensible speed of the matter operation, which we arrage as K.

在这场不断蔓延的悲剧中,它不过冰山一角,这死亡的瞬间,让我印象深刻,无法忘怀。In the immensity of the unfolding tragedy, this littler one, this moment of its death, seemed comprehensible to me, significant.

站点所有者使用这种典型的通风管式的范例来增加转换,同时使用户更加容易理解站点的过程。This is the classic funnel paradigm that site owners use to increase conversion and make their process comprehensible for users.

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但它的先哲和理解财务咨询,随着优良贴士目标设定,时间管理,职业的选择。But it's sage and comprehensible financial advice, along with excellent tips on goal-setting, time management, and career choices.

因此,尽管存在文化差异,交际中的言外之意也是可以理解的。As a result, the illocutionary functions of all human communication are destined to be comprehensible across the cultural difference.

本研究的目的是阐述克拉申的输入假说理论并探讨如何将其应用到二语阅读实践中。The study intends to apply Krashen's "comprehensible input theory" to the second language reading in which written input is needed most.