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他利用了我的轻信。He has practised on my credulity.

他已养成了做自己事的习流。He has practised doing his own things.

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他们每天练习枪法。They practised marksmanship every day.

他们还练习翻筋斗。They also practised turning somersaults.

那些陶壶是那个熟练工做的。He performed the job with practised skill.

他在北京从医二十年。He practised medicine for twenty years in Beijing.

首先在福建厦门行医。She practised medicine in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

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养蚕是为了得到蚕丝。Silkworm culture is practised in order to get silk.

他当过好多年当铺老板。He practised at the pawnshop counter for many years.

在海军方面,德国人也是实行同样的掩饰手段。In the naval sphere similar evasions were practised.

一位年经人与格林男士复习讲英语。A youth man practised talking English dawn Mr. Green.

他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实行。His advise is good in theory but cannot be practised.

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她利用了我的轻信大获成功。She has practised upon my credulity with huge success.

日本长期实行着一种家族资本主义的模式。JAPAN has long practised a form of familial capitalism.

他练习倒立和翻筋斗。He practised standing on his head and turning somersaults.

今天几乎所有的体育活动都是竞赛性的。Nearlly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive.

该公司的雇员做任何事都励行节约。The employee of the firm practised economy in do everything.

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用尿和水禁食实践一天或更多天。Fasts with urine and water are practised for one or more days.

她从事产权转让和法律起草事务,我则从事诉讼。She practised conveyancing and draftsmanship, I did litigation.

我们在各方面力求节省以便钱能用久一点。We practised various austerities to make our money last longer.