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每天举行一个小会。A daily scrum meeting was held.

这可能是使用Scrum的一个很好的机会。This might be a neat opportunity to use Scrum.

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人堆里出现了另外一张面孔,迪米特里过来了。Another face appeared at the back of the scrum.

重申一下,我认为这是“滥用”Scrum框架。Again, that's 'abusing' the Scrum framework, IMO.

因此要询问他们此时有多少活跃的Scrum团队。Ask how many active Scrum teams they have at the moment.

Scrum正在获得信息技术领域以外的推进力。Scrum is gaining traction outside of information technology.

SCRUM项目可以用标准的点估计函数。SCRUM projects can be estimated using standard function point estimating.

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可以很容易地看到这样的原则如何应用到Scrum的扩展之上It will easily be seen how such principles can apply to the scaling of Scrum

Scrum聚会最后值得一提的是开放空间技术。The last noteworthy item from Scrum Gathering concerns Open Space Technology.

印度人称此为“色彩的游戏”,一群人疯狂的,尽情的喧闹和人体彩绘。Indians call it "playing colors" a jubilant scrum of horseplay and body painting.

Tobias比较了AA的一些核心原则,并认为它们可以应用到Scrum的扩展之上。Tobias compares a few core principles of AA which can apply to the scaling of Scrum

一只在体重上占优势,而且用长牙猛刺。另一只没有让步。One gains a height advantage, and jabs with a tusk strike. The scrum doesn't let up.

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自管理团队是Scrum和所有敏捷软件开发方法的基础。The self-managed team is the cornerstone of Scrum and all Agile software development.

但是Scrum管理者不会为了引入发生在达成共识的目标上的变更而打断一个“疾跑”周期。But Scrum Masters don't interrupt a sprint cycle by introducing changes to the agreed goals.

我有很多Scrum的经验,感觉用它来管理各种类型的项目都超好。I've got lots of experience with Scrum and it is a fantastic way to run many types of projects.

混合方法通过基于妨碍因素的日常独立会议来解决这个问题。The scrum method tries to tackle this by having daily stand-up meetings focused on impediments.

一大块鲸肉撕下,一只拖着一条受伤的后腿的熊,也蹒跚挤进来抢食吃。One bear with a bad rear leg hobbles into the scrum before moving out with a large hunk of whale.

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“学校中的Scrum”有一个很大的范围,更长期的打算和愿景。Scrum in Schools has a wide-scope, longer-term intention and vision. According to Michael de la Maza

通过这个方法的使用,课程结构本身就阐释了Scrum原则和技术。By using this method, the structure of the course itself illustrates Scrum principles and techniques.

Scrum会议不同于项目会议,对团队来说,它起到了快速简报的作用。Scrum meetings should not become project meetings, but instead serve as quick briefings for the team.