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这可能意味着一大笔钱将离开你。This may mean having to part with a waddle of cash.

我每天都会出去散散步,做做伸展运动。I go for a waddle and do stretches and exercises every day.

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鸭子,鸭子,摇尾巴。我们喜欢听你呱呱叫!Duck duck waddle back. We like to hear you, quack quack quack!

在水边给鸭子扔了一些食物,当它们沿着我的路蹒跚而过时我站着一动不动。Throw some food to the ducks by the water, Stand so still while they waddle my way.

但正是靠着这种摇摇摆摆的样子,企鹅才得以承受其栖息地的酷寒气候。”But it is this waddle that allows penguins to tolerate their bitterly cold habitat.

我怀孕了,我滑稽可笑地瞒珊而行,大肚子上压着全世界的重量。I am pregnant. I waddle awkwardly, my big stomach pressed against the weight of the world.

因为同样的原因,瓦德尔离开热刺加盟了马赛,因为热刺付不起同样的工资。Chris Waddle left Tottenham for the same reason to go to Marseille because they couldn't pay him.

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科学家们正在研究自然界最与众不同的一种走姿——企鹅的蹒跚步伐。Scientists are trying to get to the bottom of one of nature's most distinctive walks, a penguin's waddle.

尽管它们走着著名的“企鹅舞步”,但它们还是有能力走很远的距离。Though they move with the famed "penguin waddle" they are capable walkers who can cover long overland distances.

他们步调一致的来回走动可能导致了前禧桥的振荡,这又使得这些行人的步伐更加的一致。Their synchronized waddle could have caused the bridge to oscillate, leading even more of them to tread in tandem.

因此,尽管人类觉得它们走路的姿势可笑,研究者却认为企鹅的蹒跚前进比人类的走路方式更有效率。And so while humans may find it amusing, researchers say a penguin's waddle is more efficient than a person's walk.

在陆地,它们蹒跚而行和雪橇横过冰的滑行用它们的腹部,和推进它们自己用脚蹼。On land, they waddle and toboggan across the ice—sliding on their bellies, and propelling themselves with their flippers.

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在陆地,它们摇摆而行和像平底雪橇越过冰面变化在它们的腹部,推进它们自己靠鳍状肢。On land, they waddle and toboggan across the ice—sliding on their bellies , and propelling themselves with their flippers.

在怀孕之前看到怀孕的女性走跟蹒跚而一样体重的没有怀孕的女性去能正常走路,我感到很奇怪。Pre-pregnancy it seemed strange to me that pregnant women waddle while nonpregnant women who weigh the same walk normally.

同样一段距离,企鹅以其摇摆的方式来行走,所消耗掉的体能是其他同体型动物的两倍之多。To waddle a given distance, penguins use twice as much energy as other creatures of the same size use to walk equally far.

人们挤进时装秀台前,就是想一睹这些长着羽毛的,有喙的“模特们”摇摇摆摆地走猫步。Crowds packed into this fashion show tend to watch models of their feathered and beaked kind waddle their way down the catwalk.

园方每周会让国王企鹅在园内摇摇晃晃地散步一次,希望能纾解企鹅被圈养后的思乡之苦及压力。Zoo officials let the King Penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity.

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是幽默用法,指因肥胖或负重走起路来一摇一摆像鸭子似的。Waddle is used humorously to describe someone swaying from side to side like a duck because of fatness or while carrying heavy bags.

我每天都会出去散散步,做做伸展运动。我必须要保持健康,我的肌肉得承受得住我的体重才行。I go for a waddle and do stretches and exercises every day. My muscles need to hold up to my weight, so I have to stay strong, " she said."

已有八个月身孕的阿丽亚现在还能挺着大肚子一摇一晃地上街买菜,那还是因为她丈夫在国会工作,配有保镖,被她借来护卫自己,才敢出门。Aliya can waddle out to the grocery store in her eighth month because her husband, a member of the Iraqi Congress, can lend her his bodyguards.