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所有接口输入均为施密特触发式。All interface inputs are Schmitt triggered.

四2输入与非门施密特触发器输入。Quad 2-input NAND gate with schmitt trigger inputs.

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德国法学家卡尔·施米特以批判自由主义著称。Carl Schmitt is famous for criticizing the liberalism.

只有2人通过阿波罗17号登陆月球,尤金塞尔南和哈里森施密特。Only 2 people landed on moon via Apollo 17, Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt.

施密特第一次接待了这位日后对我们都有着深远影响的男人。Schmitt took his first measure of the man who would be a large presence in our lives.

俄罗斯知识分子对施米特及其学说在俄罗斯流行既有赞成也有反对。There are different attitudes for or against Schmitt and his doctrine among Russian intellectuals.

PSPICE模拟证明了设计的电路具有理想的施密特电路功能。The simulation with PSPICE proves that the designed circuit has ideal function of Schmitt circuits.

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宇航员尤金·塞尔南、哈里森·施米特和罗纳德·埃文斯参加了“阿波罗”号的最后一次登月飞行。Astronauts Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt , and Ronald Evans made the last Apollo flight to the moon.

用PSPICE程序模拟证明了所设计的电路具有理想的施密特电路特性。The simulation with PSPICE program proved that the designed circuit has ideal character of Schmitt circuits.

然而,自从杰克·施密特和尤今·塞尔南最后登上月球又返回地球以来,已经过去三十六年多了。But it's more than 36 years since Jack Schmitt and Eugene Cernan, the last men on the moon, returned to Earth.

然而,自从最后一批登月的宇航员杰克·施密特和尤今·塞尔南返回地球以来,已经过去三十六年多了。But it's more than 36 years since Jack Schmitt and Eugene Cernan, the last men on the moon, returned to Earth.

凯威尔和施密特认为,这意味着非洲猿谱系中的这两种动物,他们关节行走习惯的进化是彼此独立的。Kivell and Schmitt think this suggests independent evolution of knuckle-walking behavior in the two African ape lineages.

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施密特说,Wikileaks有律师跟进这案子,但他们一直没能与曼宁有所接触。Schmitt said that Wikileaks has retained lawyers to look into the case but that they have been unable to make contact with Manning.

凯威尔和施密特说,这一转变可能发生在约7百万年前,但至今尚未找到有关的化石。There are no fossils from the time of this transition, which likely occurred about seven million years ago, Kivell and Schmitt said.

“鉴于上传者为我们提供的上下文信息,我们有强有力的理由认为这些消息是有效数据”,施密特表示。"From the context information that the source provided we have strong reasons to believe that this is valid data, " said Mr Schmitt.

基于TTL技术设计的四值施密特电路已用PSPICE模拟证明了具有理想的施密特电路功能。Based on TTL technique, the designed quaternary Schmitt circuit is simulated with PSPICE and is proved to have the ideal Schmitt function.

如果有问题,他就会让机场通过公共广播系统播一个通知,叫Schmitt先生到接待处去。If there's any problem, he'll ask for an announcement to be made over the Tannoy System, asking Mr. Schmitt to come to the reception desk.

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匈牙利一所大学发现总统帕尔·施密特的论文中有大面积的抄袭痕迹,遂取消了他的博士学位。A university in Hungary has stripped President Pal Schmitt of his doctorate after it found that large parts of his thesis were plagiarised.

你可以控制症状的恐慌袭击保罗史密特恐慌袭击能影响你的生活质量和阻力你下来做的事情,你享受。You Can Control Symptoms of Panic Attacks by Paul Schmitt Panic attacks can effect your quality of living and drag you down from doing the things you enjoy.

美国企业研究所的资深战略分析人士史密特说,帕内塔将面临的最主要的挑战,是削减五角大楼的开支。American Enterprise Institute senior strategic analyst Gary Schmitt says Panetta's biggest challenge will be to manage cutbacks in the Pentagon's huge budget.