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一个伟大的时间顺序过意见!A great chronological over-view!

这个分为生物学年龄和实足年龄。There's biological age and chronological age.

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按照时间顺序,事情就是这样的So, that's the chronological significance of it.

排名不分主次,只是按照时间顺序列出。These are in chronological order instead of rank.

日记帐是对经济交易的序时记录。Is a chronological record of business transactions.

章节应该按照编年体的顺序来安排,并且应该清楚明了的。Chapters are read in chronological order and make sense.

我甚至都没想,它们是按照主题的时间顺序排列的。I don't even think they are in chronological order by topic.

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文物按年代顺序展出。The cultural relics are displayed in chronological sequence.

日记账是经济业务的序时记录。The journal is the chronological record of business transactions.

您所有朋友的活动都会按照倒序顺序排列。All of your friends' activities will be listed in chronological order.

下面是我们以上映时间顺序所遴选的电影,来看一看吧。Check out our list of selections below, listed in chronological order.

但是主要的分歧不在于意识形态,而是长期的党内宗派划分。But the main clefts are chronological and clannish rather than ideological.

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她说,年序履历会直接“专职父母”被淘汰出局。A chronological resume can eliminate a parent's candidacy in seconds, she says.

我喜欢把最近的放在最上面,因此我按照反时间顺序排列它们。I like to have the newest on top, so I sort them in reverse chronological order.

查都。桑普森选用的展品年代跨度很大,以此来表现不同主题。Ms Chadour-Sampson traces different themes within a broadly chronological display.

在每个主题标题下是一系列按逆时间顺序排列的文章摘要。Under each topic heading is a series of article summaries in reverse chronological order.

夏商周断代工程的总目标是制订有科学依据的年表。The Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project aims at draw up of chronological table scientifically.

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学习历史切忌按时间顺序去死记硬背那些历史日期或名称。History need not be learned in chronological order or require memorization of dates and names.

次要性并不意味着在处理求偿要求方面必须按照时间顺序进行。Subsidiarity does not imply the need to follow a chronological sequence in addressing a claim.

中国的阴历新年是历史上最早的序时记录,早在公元前2600年就开始了。The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600 BC.