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这冼夫人是谁啊?Who was Madame Xian Tai?

谢谢主席女士!Thank you, Madame Chairperson.

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咬咬女士佐沙拉。Croque Madame with fresh salad.

居里夫人发现了镭。Madame Curie discovered radium.

哦,呃,先生对不起,呃,夫人。Oh, euh pardon Monsieur euh Madame.

一个秃顶的犹太人亲包法利夫人?A bald Jew is kissing Madame Bovary?

莱马里太太,大家都喜欢你。Everyone loves you, Madame Leymarie.

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居里夫人是我们崇拜的女性。Madame Curie was a woman we admired.

笛洛娃夫人的国际芭蕾舞剧团。Madame Kirowa's International Ballet.

雪地里有脚步声,是德伐日太太。A footstep in the snow. Madame Defarge.

居里夫人没有向他们那样受苦。Madame Curie didn't suffer as they did.

迪韦尔诺瓦太太的窗户一直关闭着。Madame Duvernoy's window remained shut.

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四下接四下是让利斯夫人的呼号。Four-four was Madame de Genlis's signal.

杜登夫人穿着漂亮的鞋子。Madame Dupont porte de jolies chaussures.

杜邦夫人穿着漂亮的鞋子。Madame Dupont porte de jolies chaussures.

梅尔夫人决不虚有其表,她是表里如一的。Madame Merle was not superficial-not she.

福楼拜写〈包法利夫人〉花了五年时间。Flaubert spent five years on Madame Bovary.

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居里夫人发现了镭元素。Madame Curie discovered the element radium.

皮埃罗太太倒是不坏的。Madame Pierrot is not a bad sort of person.

居里夫人1902年发现了镭。Madame Curie discovered pure radium in 1902.