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等于。dT This is equal to Cp minus R dT.

正好出现了我们需要的。Cp so this is exactly what we want.

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关于Cp和?Cv What do we know about the Cp and Cv?

我们仍将看到违反CP守恒的现象。We still see a version of CP violation.

定容比热容Cv乘以dT除以。T It's Cp dT over T at constant pressure.

而这里可以计算出。Cp This will give us something about C sub p.

使用操作系统拷贝功能从备份中恢复丢失的数据文件。Restore the lost datafile from backup using OS cp

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语气词的范畴选择包含焦点标记词的CP。The mood particle de C-selects a CP containing a Foc.

点这儿可以看到一段患有手足徐动型脑瘫的女孩的电影。Click here to see a short movie of a girl with athetoid CP.

您是否曾在易初莲花或其它正大集团所属企业中工作过?。Do you ever worked in lotus or other companies of cp group?

提示枝管藻多糖具有较强的抗凝血作用。It is suggested that CP has significant anti-coagulation activity.

这种算法对于PTP运动和沿CP运动都是适用的。This algorithm is appropriate to PTP trajectory and CP trajectory.

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把Cp/Cv记作γ,这完全是定义。By definition I'm going to define gamma by Cp over Cv by definition.

点击'创建帐户在您帐户中的用户CP管理面板。Click 'Create Account' in your account management panel in the User CP.

痉挛型四肢瘫合并症最多。The patients with spastic quadriplegia of CP have the most complication.

在这个意义上讲,商务印书馆是当之无愧的新文化运动传播中心。So CP was worthy of being called the Spread Center in New Culture Moveme.

一旦我们同意我给你的域名和主机处长。所以,你可以开始工作。Once we agree I will give you the domain and host cp. So you can start working.

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镇痛时间比度冷丁、氨基比林长。The analgesic effect of CP in mice lasted longer than Dolantin and Aminopyrine.

超越标准模型的物理可以产生额外的CP违逆。Physics that goes beyond the Standard Model can generate additional CP violation.

对一些说印地语的人力车司机来说,CP就比康诺特广场更容易念。CP is much easier for a Hindi-speaking rickshaw driver to say than Connaught Place.