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还有些研究方法上的局限There's methodological limitations.

从一个坚实的方法论基础来驱动采纳。Driving adoption from a firm methodological basis.

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我把它称作工具主义方法论。Well I have called this methodological instrumentalism.

谱系学为福柯有关身体的思想提供了方法论基础。Genealogy provide a methodological basis for Foucault's thought about the body.

或多或少可对比的TMap角色是方法支持和TAKT构架师。More or less comparable TMap roles are methodological support and TAKT architect.

我们采用考科蓝合作组织标准方法程序。We used standard methodological procedures expected by The Cochrane Collaboration.

但迄今为止,因为方法问题,有关研究仍是不确定的。However, to date, the research is inconclusive largely due to methodological problems.

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这是一个艰巨的任务,而且我对此研究在方法层面便存有担心。It's a hard assignment to pull off, and I have some methodological concerns with the study.

方法论还原论则是科学认识与研究所必需的方法论手段。Methodological Reductionism is a necessary method of science′s acknowledgement and research.

因此,方法问题排除结论备注关于生活质量的问题。Thus, methodological problems preclude conclusive remarks concerning quality-of-life issues.

这些应对方法中最为普遍的也许就是质疑研究在方法学上的正确性。Perhaps the most common of these is to challenge the methodological soundness of the research.

但是这样的推断除了暴露方法论上的局限外,对于印第安文化研究来说毫无裨益。But such extrapolations may reveal less about Indians than about our methodological limitations.

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对于刚才介绍要发生的活动来说,强大的方法指导是必不可少的。For the activities just described to take place, strong methodological guidance is an imperative.

真菌领域的研究主要集中于子囊菌及其分类和方法问题。Her mycological focus is ascomycete microfungi, and their taxonomic and methodological challenges.

然而,过程拥有跨方法边界应用的某些一般的特征。However, processes have certain general characteristics that apply across methodological boundaries.

中国则不太重视实践性,方法陈旧,缺乏创意,多于说教。China takes practicality seriously not quite, methodological stale, devoid originality, over homiletic.

政策论证过程中的共识构建是公民参与中的一个方法论难题。The consensus-building in the policy argumentation is a methodological issue for citizen participation.

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而强纲领作为科学知识社会学的方法论原则,其核心是以控制为目标的因果型解释模式。But as the methodological principle of SSK, the Strong Programme's core is the causal hermeneutic model.

缔造了“方法论的怀疑”的笛卡尔认为自己的当务之急是证明上帝的存在。Descartes, the founder of methodological doubt, gave himself the urgent task of proving the existence of God.

最后,论证以范畴为研究中心的方法论系统架构可能的优势与局限。Finally, it demonstrates the superiority and limitation of category-centrism methodological system framework.