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你在充盈之前就安置了空洞。You put emptiness before fullness.

高纤维饮食让人有饱胀感。High fibre diets give the feeling of fullness.

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爱就是充实的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。Eoue is life in its fullness like the cup with its wine.

因为神格一切的丰满,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

将面料按缝线抽紧,形成一种丰满的效果。Gather To draw up fabric fullness on a line of stitching.

消费者享受的完满意味着生活的完满。The fullness of consumer enjoyment means fullness of life.

把我当做你的杯盏吧,让我为了你,为了你的所有而盛满水吧。Make me thy cup and let my fullness be for thee and for thine.

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宽椭圆形和圆滑的猫眼款可以起到收敛圆脸的效果。Wide ovals and sleek cat-eye styles work to diminish fullness.

在时期的终结,天主的王国将达到圆满。At the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness.

就在这种光景中,我们就能寻见那达到圣灵丰满的途径。It is in this we shall find the path to the fullness of the Spirit.

廋素受体缺乏的小鼠不知道饱胀感。Leptin receptor deficient mice do not know the feeling of fullness.

这件上衣采用了套袖,并且在裁剪上给予背部宽松的空间。The coat has raglan sleeves, and is cut to give fullness at the back.

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生活的充实不仅存在于做出选择,而且还在于承担义务。We find the fullness of life not only in options, but in commitments.

幸福是一种圆满的状态,心满意足,称心又如意。Happiness is a state of fullness which is both pleasant and satisfying.

非节食者则较留意他们的饱足感或满足感。Non-dieters pay more attention to their level of satiety , or fullness.

若与多种复鞣材料搭配使用,亦可制得丰满坚实的革。If it used with various retanning agents, the fullness of leather was good.

哦,我空虚的生命浸入那海洋,把它投进最大的充实中去吧。Oh, dip my emptied life into that ocean, plunge it into the deepest fullness.

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可是,现在我明白了,——因为我对生活的知足感,才使我对人生怀有无限的怜爱!Within that moment is a fullness of feeling I don't otherwise have in my life.

神在差遣祂儿子到世上来以前,自己曾等候了四千年,为的是要等候最适当的时期。God waited four thousand years, till the fullness of time, ere He sent His Son.

OEA发出饥饿抑制信息到大脑,增加饱胀感。OEA sends hunger-curbing messages to the brain to increase feelings of fullness.