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为什么新教正典会是现在这样?Why is the Protestant canon like it is?

新教徒之间的裙带关系是与生俱来的。The Protestant Establishment was inbred.

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这些可能是新教雇佣军So, maybe these are Protestant mercenaries.

九龙城或太子区教堂一问?。Do you want a Catholic or Protestant church?

什么是新教,或者一个天主教徒。What's this Protestant stuff? Or if a Catholic.

天主教徒对于新教教义来说,是不可知论者。Catholics are agnostic to the Protestant creeds.

谁的作品鼓舞了新教改革?Whose writings inspired the Protestant Reformation?

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詹姆斯,我的儿子,你是个新教徒而我是个天主教徒。James,my son,you are a Protestant and I am a Catholic.

新教徒国家中反对虐待动物。Protestant countries disapprove of cruelty to animals.

他放弃了新教信仰,于1594年登基为王。He abjured the Protestant faith and became King in 1594.

基督教团体在香港的历史,可追溯至一八四一年。The presence of the Protestant community dates from 1841.

乌姆塔塔中学的学生大多数是新教徒。The students of Umtata High School were mostly Protestant.

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他是个有名的新教教士,可我不喜欢他。He was a famous Protestant churchman, but I didn't like him.

我生为盎格鲁撒克逊白人的新教教徒。I was born a Protestant of the white Anglo-Saxon persuasion.

一个新教教士走过来和她说话。“我的夫人,”他说道。A Protestant churchman came to talk to her, 'My lady, 'he said.

我去一间基督教会,但是隔壁是天主教教堂。I go to a Protestant church, but the one next door is Catholic.

他们既接受新教也接受天主教。So they wanted to be somewhat Protestant and somewhat Catholic.

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在中国,清教的发展势头比天主教更为迅猛。The official Protestant Church is growing faster than Catholicism.

这几乎是新教或天主基督教的教科书。On some level this is textbook Protestant or Catholic Christianity.

1533年在巴黎当学者的时候,他声称自己是个新教教徒。While a scholar in Paris in 1533, he declared himself a Protestant.