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他是一个夸夸其谈的人,我不喜欢他。He is a gassy man. I don't like him.

你能理解他那长篇大论夸夸其谈的讲话的意义吗?Can you make out the significance of the gassy speech which he harangued ?

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哺乳瓦斯婴儿可以一项艰巨的任务,但它是值得的。Breastfeeding a gassy baby can be a Herculean task, but it is well worth it.

在如今的认识里,冰态的小行星远比巨大的气体或岩石组成的行星多得多。In that understanding, small, icy planets far outnumber big gassy or rocky ones.

这种特性缓解了气锁,使其成为处理含气液流的最优解决方案。This feature mitigates gas locking, making it an optimal solution in handling gassy flows.

科学家认为,史前长毛象喷出的沼气让地球变暖。Gassy mammoths emitting methane helped to keep pre-historic Earth warm, scientists believe.

目前,在波兰41对主要生产矿井中,有23对高瓦斯矿井进行了瓦斯抽放。Methane drainage is being performed in 23 gassy coal mines of total major 41 coal producing mines in Poland at present.

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这颗行星可能拥有一个氛围,但它不太可能是一颗岩态行星——更可能是气态的——仅仅是因为它的大小。Thiscould hold an atmosphere, but it's unlikely to be a rocky planet — more likelyto be gassy — simply because of its size.

其中,充气液MPD技术在解决类似问题上体现出巨大的优势,为此本文展开详细研究。Gassy fluid MPD technology displays great advantage in solving above problems, therefore a detailed study described on this paper.

天文学家对水星——离太阳最近的行星感兴趣的原因是水星是类地行星而非类木行星。Astronomers are interested in Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, because it is a terrestrial like Earth, not gassy like Jupiter.

阳煤集团是全国瓦斯涌出量最大的矿区之一。This paper is actually a technical report on mine gas control in Yangquan Coal Group, one of highly gassy coal mines in this country.

利用矿井抽采瓦斯进行发电,是目前矿井最有前途的瓦斯开发项目之一。To utilize mine gas as fuel for electricity generation is one of the mine gas exploitation projects with great future in gassy coal mines.

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在瓦斯含量较大的煤层采用综掘掘进巷道,由于掘进速度快,出现了瓦斯涌出量过大的现象。Under gassy coal seam condition, the full-heading development is employed. Because of the fast heading a high rate of gas emission arises.

利用GDS三轴系统4D应力路径模块进行了不同围压下含浅层生物气非饱和砂土的持水特征试验。Experiment study on shallow gassy unsaturated sand under different confining pressure with GDS triaxial system's 4D stress path module is carried ont.

一想到一个人喝点酒整个邻里的人就会出来那他取乐就不禁怒火中烧。A gassy fury began to expand in me at the thought that a fellow couldn't have a drop taken without the whole neighborhood coming out to make game of him.

高瓦斯低透性煤层的瓦斯抽放,一直是煤矿安全生产过程中的重大技术难题。Gas drainage in high gassy coal seam with low gas permeability is always an hard solved significant technology problem in the process of safety production.

同时,设计了实时压力监测控制系统,并开发了相关充气液MPD设计计算和控制软件。At the same time, designed the real-time pressure monitor control system and developed relative calculation and control software procedure of gassy fluid MPD.

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事实上,一支球队的打法往往反映出他们民族的个性,意大利人喜欢创造,德国人比较具有军国主义,希腊人有点虚浮。In fact, a team's style of play often seems to relate to a nation's character. The Italians are creative. The Germans militaristic. The Greeks a little gassy.

澳大利亚一名天文爱好者十分惊讶地讲述了他偶然在木星大气层发现的地球大小的凹陷。An Australian amateur star gazer who spotted a rare impact on Jupiter told of his astonishment as he chanced upon the Earth-sized dent in its gassy atmosphere.

而且减肥药丸都是单一配方,功效以消脂为主,很少针对排水肿,结果减了赘肉也消不到浮肿线条,很难解决混合型肥胖问题。Pills also contain singular formula on fat burning only where water retention problem and gassy stomach remain persisted. Hence, perfect slimming is non-significant.