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更有意识地控制会议进程More consciously passing the conch

海绵宝宝居住在贝壳街124号。Spongebob lives at 124 Conch Street.

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幼儿海螺?我连一个都吃不了!Baby conch? I couldn't eat a whole one!

右边的他在指啥?哦,一定是指石头下面的螃蟹以及菠螺。What is he pointing at?oh, he sees crab and conch under stone.

右边的他在指啥?哦,一定是指石头下面的螃蟹和菠螺。What is he pointing at? oh, he sees crab and conch under stone.

如果你有黄疸病,你在看一个白海螺,你看它是黄色的。If you have jaundice, and you are looking at a conch , you see it's yellow.

她在干吗?捡螃蟹或菠螺?不不,她在礁石上撬海蛎子。What is she doing?Pick up crab or conch?No, no, she is picking up oyster from rock.

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过去,海螺贝壳螺旋状的尖端常被用作听障人士的助听器。In the past, the spiral tips of conch shells were often used as aids for the hearing impaired.

身着橘袍的僧侣们将献鲜花和食物给神祗,并以海螺吹奏着撼人心神的音响。Monks in orange robes offer flowers and food to the gods and produce haunting sounds on conch shells.

我们的午餐包括新鲜烤的牡蛎,蚌,蛤,蜊和螺丝。Our lunch of freshly BBQ'd goodies including oysters, clams, mussels, pippies and some kind of conch shells.

这么苍翠,这么小巧,蹲在皓月清辉的水面上,正好似白银盘里的一只小青螺呢!What he could see was a cute green tip above the calm water surface just like a green conch on a white silver plate.

粉色的噪音,是我们儿子的最爱,听起来像你听到的音调,你拿起一个海螺居住在里面。And pink noise, our son’s favorite, sounds like the tone you’d hear were you to take up residence inside a conch shell.

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在香港上市的公司中,中国最大的水泥生产商安徽海螺水泥公司是最普遍遭到卖空的公司。Anhui Conch Cement, China’s largest cement manufacturer, is the most commonly shorted Chinese company listed in Hong Kong.

杰拉德抓起架子上的一只弯曲的大海螺壳,没跟任何人打招呼就吹出了振聋发聩的一声。The latter took up a large curved conch shell that lay on a shelf and without reference to anybody blew a shattering blast.

海螺挑战生物工程有限公司主要从事饲料添加剂中性植酸酶生产。Wenzhou Conch Challenge Biotechnology Co. , Ltd. is mainly engaged in production of Neutral Phytase in feedstuff additives.

对于第一次见到大海的我而言,没有想象中的那份兴奋,但是感觉还是非常棒的,司机居然蹲下来教我挖贝壳。Although I was see the sea for first time, I was very happy but not excite as I expected. The driver taught me to dig for conch.

潮州市海韵彩贝工艺品厂是一家专门从事贝壳,海螺系列灯饰,集生产、贸易于一身的企业。Haiyun Chromatic Conch Craftwork Lamp Manufactory, which is absorbed in producing and trading, is mainly dealing in conch series.

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海螺沟位于贡嘎雪峰脚下,以低海拔现代冰川著称于世。Conch channel is located in Gonggaxue below peak foot, with low height above sea level contemporary glacier is celebrated at the world.

过去,海螺贝壳螺旋状的尖端常被用作听障人士的助听器。In the past, the spiral tips of conch shells were often used as aids for the hearing impaired. Nowadays, shells decorate many a living room cabinet.

这些最初从以色列和阿尔及利亚搜集来的贝壳,每个的中心都有一个小孔,这显示它曾被当作珠宝饰物佩戴。These conch that come from Israel and Algerian collect at first, every center has an alveolus, this shows it ever was regarded as gem decorations adorns.