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南传上座部传统的僧伽日。Sangha Day in Theravada tradition.

参观白塔,它是云南一个非常著名的佛教建筑之一。White Pagoda, one of the most famous Theravada Buildings in Yunnan, also known.

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返回勐海,参观八角亭,这是云南最重要的佛教建筑之一。Theravada Buddhism buildings of Yunnan, the religious center of local Dai people.

在古代缅甸,上座部佛教一直同王权保持着紧密的联系。In ancient Burma, Theravada Buddhism kept a close relationship with the royal power.

与此同时,斯里兰卡成了佛教早期派别上座部的中心。In the meantime, Sri Lanka became the centre of the earlier Theravada order of Buddhism.

艺术和文学在历史上受小乘佛教的影响。The arts have historically been influenced by Theravada Buddhism, as well as literature.

大多数柬埔寨人研习小乘华佛教,这个传统在该地区流行了至少1500年。Most Cambodians practice Theravada Buddhism, which has been popular in the region for at least 1, 500 years.

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二千五百多年来,佛教发展出两大主要传统,即南传上座部佛教和北传大乘佛教。For over 2,500 years, Two major traditions in Buddhism have been developed – Theravada 's Sthavira and Mahayana.

在上座部佛教,菩提和涅槃是同样的意思,即是从贪婪,仇恨和妄想中解脱。In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion.

1057年阿奴律陀国王占据了孟国的首府萨通,缅甸开始信奉来自孟人的小乘佛教。After Anawrahta's capture of the Mon capital of Thaton in 1057, the Burmans adopted Theravada Buddhism from the Mons.

不但南传佛教可以找到观世音菩萨的踪迹,在大乘佛教和藏传密教观世音菩萨更是显要的。In addition to Theravada Buddhism, Guan Yin Bodhisattva even is very prominent in Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism.

它是在南传佛教国家所竖立的第一尊观音像。It was the first time an Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva image was erected in a country pre-dominated with Theravada tradition.

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南传佛教禅修和其它的佛教禅修形态一样,都有藉小参或机锋对答的方式来戡验学僧的传统。In Theravada Buddhist meditation as in many other forms of Buddhism, there is a tradition of testing monks through interviews.

小乘并不自私而是厌离心强,真正的菩萨一定是建立在出离心上。Theravada teaching is not egoistic but has a intense will to transcend, on which based the genuine cultivation of Bodhisattva.

根据泰国佛教传统僧袍与一切供品均由各方佛友赞助。According to the Thai Theravada tradition, the Kathina robes and other requisite offerings are sponsored by various individuals.

进一步考虑到近来联赛事端频发,中超上座不景气也更加能够理解。Further, taking into account the recent League of frequent incidents, more than Theravada recession and more able to understand.

在小乘佛教国家里,在每次禅定之前要进行一系列的仪式。In Theravada Buddhist countries, it is traditional to begin each meditation session with the recitation of a certain set of formulas.

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大乘佛教的观点超出了原始的小乘佛教的巴利文的观念,这是在我们刚才的简短讨论中提到的。This Mahayana view was probably developed out of the ideas found in the original Theravada Pali texts, to which we have just referred in our brief discussion.

长老的葬礼采用露天焚化形式,特以檀香木搭建高逾42尺、三层式的宝塔,是南传佛教对高僧最高的敬意。The cremation ceremony for the Reverend was carried out in open air in a 42 foot pyre built from sandalwoods, it is the way Theravada paid respect to a high priest.

这里展出的作品广泛地反映了上座部和大乘—金刚乘等部派不同的艺术风格,可以使人们对于佛教艺术传统的丰富多彩有所了解。The exhibition covers a wide range of the heritage of both Theravada and Mahayana-Vajrayana orders, providing a view of the richness of the whole Buddhist tradition.