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你是图图吗?Are you Tutu?

德斯蒙德图图问道。Desmond Tutu.

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你喜欢雪吗兔兔?Do you like snow Tutu?

穿上这件大衣,兔兔。Put on this coat, Tutu.

这是我的朋友,兔兔。This is my friend, Tutu.

你的衬衫是什么颜色的,兔兔?。What color is your shirt, Tutu?

小兔,兔兔手里拿着一个苹果。Little Tutu Rabbit had an apple in his hand.

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我叹息一声,塔克·海登的大拇趾芭蕾舞?I groaned. Hayden Tucker’s big toe in a tutu?

小兔--兔兔手里拿着两个苹果。Little Tutu Rabbit had two apples in his hand.

公司起起跌跌,挺了近十年。Tutu starting from the company, Ting for nearly a decade.

我看着她把短裙套在蓝色牛崽裤上在房间里转游。I watch her twirl off across the room, her tutu tied on over blue jeans.

与艺术家的浪漫约会,没什么比蓬蓬裙更动人。There's nothing more classy than wearing a tutu on a date with an artist.

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童话中的公主就是穿着美丽的蓬蓬裙,永远都是最美丽的一面。Fairy tale princess is wearing a beautiful tutu is always the most beautiful side.

南非大主教德斯蒙德·图图结束了其公职生涯,庆祝他的79岁生日。Archbishop Desmond Tutu is stepping down from public life, as he celebrates his 79th birthday.

非芭蕾舞者或许只知道“芭蕾舞女演员”和“芭蕾舞裙”这些词。Non-ballet dancers would probably only know the words "ballerina" and "tutu" from that list, though.

服装一律是有褶边的短裙,即每一个女演员所穿的用硬壳撑起来的短裙。The rule in costume was the frilly tutu the short stiffly -projecting skirt worn by every ballerina.

1986年,德斯蒙德·突徒作为南非英国圣公会的首位黑人领袖就职。In 1986, Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa.

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你们把促成南非结束种族隔离制度的曼德拉跟图图大主教放在哪里?What about Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Tutu who helped to bring apartheid to an end in South Africa?

一度曾看不上我成衣技术的苏菲,不测地请求我给她做一个短裙。After dismissing my dressmaking skills in the past, Sofie unexpectedly requests that I make her a tutu.

图图对听众说,新的立法机构本可以发布一条特赦令,让过去的事就这么过去。The new legislature could have passed a general amnesty and let bygones be bygones, Tutu told the audience.