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你曾经为后悔而付出代价吗?Have you even pay out expense for compunction?

把你的信心和责备分开。Separate your compunction from your confidence.

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一开始,他就对自己的敌人没有一丝怜悯。He showed no compunction about offing his enemies from the outset.

以前,我认为这样做是一种罪过,如今我不感到有任何疑虑。Before, I would have held this to be a crime, but now I felt no compunction.

他们没有内疚我们出去卖,我们的自由,实现自己的目标。They have no compunction in selling us out, and our freedom, to accomplish their goals.

林惇先生刹那间感到既悔恨、又恐惧,站在那儿望着她,吩咐我去拿点水来。Mr Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water.

在执教罗马队的时候他使用三前锋的阵型,因为他手下有出色的锋线球员。At Roma he had no compunction over fielding a three-man attack because he had excellent forwards.

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对于她把他的州宣布给她的候选者,阿诺说他对此并不在意。Mr. Schwarzenegger said he felt no compunction about her proclaiming his state for her candidate.

尽管索龙寻求完好地拿下首都,这些帝国军阀却肆无忌惮地发动进攻。Whereas Thrawn sought to take the capital world intact, these Imperials attacked without compunction.

看见它的姐妹舰的命运,黎明的谴责再没有欲望独自面对他们。After seeing the obliteration of its sister ship, the Twilight Compunction had no desire to face them alone.

我很内疚我不在你身边,请照顾好自己,记得我牵挂着你!爱你。My compunction I can not in your side, please take care yourself , remembered I am worry about you! Love you! ! !

抛弃我们古代的礼仪我们将不会产生内疚之情,效仿他们缺乏殷勤好客的态度我们也不会心生不安之意。We shall have no compunction in throwing overboard our ancient manners, nor any in emulating their lack of courtesy.

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承蒙上天恩赐,我这一辈子也没有为学习被打扰而头痛,也没有为被打断了的学校功课而感到一丝不安。By the grace of Providence I have never had a headache in my life, nor a moment of compunction for interrupted school studies.

只有在可以用家奴代替农民去当兵的时候,他就会毫不犹豫地派家奴去当兵。But whenever it was possible to send a house-serf for a soldier in place of a peasant, he did so without the smallest compunction.

10年过后,这些建议成为了现实,今天的柏林并不后悔当初把短期的国家利益放在首位。Ten years on, those voices have triumphed. Today's Berlin republic has no compunction about putting its short-term national interests first.

两艘护卫舰,黎明的憎恨和亡灵号填满了全息影像显示器,他们的行驶路径正在被预估。Both frigates, the Twilight Compunction and the Revenant, filled and blurred the edges of the holographic viewers, their lateral lines powering.

这个家伙在对阵安道尔时候假摔,而且在伊斯坦布尔的冠军杯决赛上靠假摔骗来了一粒点球。The player who dived against The Mighty Andorra, and had no compunction about diving to earn a penalty in the Champions League final in Istanbul.

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气没有接。男孩再也没有力气去拨第2遍电话了,他带着对女孩的无限眷恋和内疚走了。The spirit connected. The boy had no energy to stir the 2nd telephone any further, he took to the girl of infinite love dearly with compunction walk.

通电电阻丝热像仪测温的模拟实验结果与数值计算结论吻合较好,本文为高压线路热故障红外巡航检测提供了理论依据。The temperature of reference is given theoretically. Experiments result of us and others is in agreement with the numerical compunction result of us.

你可爱、懦弱、常常为没有达到尽善尽美而感到内疚和不安,特别害怕自己上当受骗。You lovable, spiritless, for have not achieved the acme of perfection to feel compunction frequently with restlessly, was afraid itself specially is deceived.