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我坐在扶手椅上。I sat down in the armchair.

他坐在扶手椅里打盹儿。He dozed off in the armchair.

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鲍勃正坐在扶手椅上。Bob is sitting in an armchair.

他懒洋洋地靠在扶手椅里。He was lolling in an armchair.

孩子懒洋洋地倚在扶手椅里。The child lounged in an armchair.

经理仰靠在扶手椅中。The manager lay back in the armchair.

猫安安稳稳地蹲在扶手椅里。The cat ensconced itself in the armchair.

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看!一只大老鼠躲在扶手椅下面。Look! A big mouse hides under the armchair.

埃斯生气地将报纸扔到椅子上。Ace angrily sailed the paper into an armchair.

我起身把我坐的扶手椅让给她。I got up and offered her my seat in the armchair.

她在一个扶手椅上坐下来,并把两条腿交叉起来。She sat down in an armchair and crossed her legs.

小男孩不高兴地坐在大扶手椅上。The little boy sat unhappily in the big armchair.

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他伸开手脚坐在电视机旁的单座沙发上。He was sprawling in an armchair in front of the TV.

此椅为观复博物馆藏品。This armchair is a collection of the Guanfu museum.

凡椅子没有扶手的都称靠背椅。Where the chair did not have the arm that armchair.

她舒适地坐在椅子上闭目养神。She settled down in an armchair and closed her eyes.

“这里坐,怎么不坐扶椅呢?”基夫说。"Here, why don't you take the armchair?" said Keefe.

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茶几的另一边还有一张扶手椅。An armchair was on the other side of the coffee table.

他在客厅的扶手椅上望着外面的道路。In his armchair in the parlour looking out on the road.

他坐在客厅的扶手椅子里,望着外面的街道,听钟声敲了十下。In his armchair in the parlour looking out on the road.