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西安哪家广告公司好?Which Xi'an advertizing company regards?

大部分的钱去媒体广告。Most of the money went to media advertizing.

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进行商业广告行为的。Carries on the commercial advertizing behavior.

海口广告公司哪家好?Is the family of Haikou advertizing company fine?

我们从不把广告的缺点推卸给客户。We do not blame a client for shortcomings in our advertizing.

南京哪家广告公司做电影贴片广告的?Which Nanjing family advertizing company does film stick movie advertisement's?

武汉哪有广告公司招平面设计实习生的?Does Wuhan have advertizing company recruit the graphic designing probationer's?

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对搜狐业绩贡献最大的仍是品牌广告和在线游戏。Contributed to the Sohu achievement biggest was still the brand advertizing and the online game.

因此,广告被认为是现代企业经济中最具有风险的投资之一。Advertizing is thus considered to be one of the most risky investments in today's enterprise economy.

由此可见,商业广告与体育赛事有着不解之缘。Thus it can be seen, the commercial advertizing and the sports sports event has the indissoluble bond.

受众处理广告信息的心理过程分为边缘路径和中枢路径。Is processed the advertizing info the audiences the mechanism to divide into the edge way and the main center way.

位于上海本地的总部负责人事管理、企划、宣传以及销售事宜。The main office which is located in Shanghai specializes in personnel management, planning, advertizing , and selling.

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商业广告审美文化作为美学的子系统对美学的建构与解构。The commercial advertizing esthetic culture cooperating study subsystem with sets at variance to esthetics constructing.

他们在开拓动画事业的道路上,发现了其应用于商业广告上的价值。They at on the development animation enterprise's path, had discovered it applies in the commercial advertizing the value.

而准确至美的表达创意是影响商业广告能否成功的最关键因素。But accurately affects the most key aspect to the beautiful expressioncreativity which whether the commercial advertizing succeeds.

根据双方协议,微软的新搜索引擎“必应”将在雅虎网站上使用,而雅虎将使用微软提供的技术进行广告销售。Under the deal, Microsoft's new Bing search engine will be used on Yahoo sites while Yahoo will handle its advertizing sales using Microsoft's technology.

没有任何媒体支持,没有充足的市场费用,没有专业的广告公司,我们只能靠自己。Without any medium, support sufficient marketplace cost , the advertizing company who does not have special field , do not have, we can only depend self on.

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本文主要论述国际领域的跨文化广告传播,即广告信息从一国向另一国的流动。This article main elaboration international domain Trans-Culture advertisement dissemination, namely advertizing info from a country to another country's flowing.

它的发展根基和互联网广告在广告收入,这两块我自己都持乐观的态度,我觉得这是非常好的机会。Its development foundation and Internet advertisement in the advertizing revenue, these two I hold the optimistic manner, I thought that this is the very good opportunity.

具体来说,公益广告的思想政治教育功能主要表现为导向功能、凝聚功能、审美功能。Specifically speaking, public service advertizing Ideological and political education function main performance for guidance function, condensation function, esthetic function.