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昕语,我觉得咱这胎一定是儿子。Xin language, I feel our this foetus to be a son.

她再三重复洗地动作以避免污染胎儿。She repeatedly washed to avoid damage to her foetus.

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肾固胞胎也有其经络理论基础。There was meridian theoretical basis kidney protecting foetus.

普吕戎在拉弗尔斯监狱里制造的罪胎就这样流产了。Thus did the foetus of crime engendered by Brujon in La Force miscarry.

而桑原的目的是帮助胎儿找到安全的生长场所,以防早产。Kuwabara is trying to give a foetus a safe home to avoid premature birth.

检查结果表示,八十六位孕妇所怀胎儿患有唐氏综合症。Eighty-six of the women were found to be carrying a foetus with Down's syndrome.

雌激素可使动脉血管扩张,含氧量高的血液得以流向胎儿。Oestrogen helps to keep open the artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the foetus.

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它将显示安全带和安全气囊如何影响孕妇的子宫、胎盘和胎儿。It helps to show how the belt and the airbag affect the uterus, placenta and foetus.

雌激素帮助大动脉保持张开状态,将含氧富足的血液运向胎儿。Oestrogen helps to keep open the main artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the foetus.

目的探讨单纯羊水过少胎儿是否存在宫内缺氧。Objective To study on isolated oligohydramnios foetus was hypoxia in the uterus or not.

了解胎教音乐刺激对婴幼儿发育商的影响。To explore the effect of foetus education musical stimulate on infant development quotient.

一个不受胎的蛋,是要被时间的浪潮冲刷成废物的。An egg which is free from a foetus is the wave tide which wants quilt time to flush a discard.

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也许我们真正在谈论的是羊水,也就是包围着胎儿的那些液体。Perhaps we are really talking about amniotic fluid, which surrounds the foetus in the birth sac.

就在本月,山东利津一名女子死于强制堕胎。This month, a woman in Lijin, Shandong, died during a forced abortion on her seven-month foetus.

胎儿需要在母亲的子宫内成长,婴儿需要吮吸母亲的乳汁。‘The foetus needs to grow inside the mother’s womb, and the infant needs to suckle at her breast.

尼古丁贴剂是帮助吸烟者戒烟的一种方法,但有人担心它们会对胎儿有害。Nicotine patches are one way to help smokers give up, but there are worries they may harm the foetus.

那些卷缩成胎儿姿势的人,被形容为外刚内柔,坚强的外表下有着一颗敏感的心。Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart.

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导致胎儿体内储存更多的铁元素以制造更多的血红蛋白。One result of this is that available iron reserves in the foetus are conserved to make more haemoglobin.

如果在适当的时间内,男性胎儿没有接收到足够的雄性激素,就会发生两件情况之一。If the male foetus does not receive enough male hormone at the appropriate time, one of two things may happen.

在这一章里,我们将看看当一个人类胎儿接收了过多或过少的雄性激素会发生什么。In this chapter we will look at what happens when a human foetus receives too much or too little male hormone.