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氧同位素估算的热水矽质岩古温度在49℃以上。Paleotemperature of cherts estimated by 0 isotope is over 49℃.

元素后面的数字表明特定同位素的身份。The number after the element name identifies the specific isotope.

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整体上,煤成气甲烷碳同位素值比较重。Generally, the isotope values of coal-generated methane are heavier.

该方法亦适合于采用14C、15N等同位素对植物进行标记和示踪。The method is also suitable to label plant with 13C and 15N isotope.

高温裂解气的生成造成甲烷碳同位素变重的假象。Cracked gas in high-temperature causes methane carbon isotope to heavy.

砂金中的微量铅同位素分析具有特殊的意义。The isotope analysis of minim lead in the gold dust has special meaning.

这项实验涉及了不规则离子运动理论和同位素理论。The experiment involved irregular ion movement theory and isotope theory.

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锕铀铀的同位素,原子质量数为235,与慢。The isotope of uranium with mass number235, fissionable with slow neutrons.

锕铀铀的同位素,原子质量数为235,与慢中子发生裂变。The isotope of uranium with mass number235, fissionable with slow neutrons.

本文评述了80年代以来我国同位素质谱计的研宄工作。The research on isotope mass spectrometers in China since 1980 is reviewed.

锕射气氡的一种放射性的,惰性的和气态的同位素,其半衰期为3。92秒。A radioactive, inert, gaseous isotope of radon, with a half-life of3.92 seconds.

第三,铜粒的加入不会改进硝化纤维素氢同位素分析的精度。Addition of copper makes no effects on the hydrogen isotope analytical precision.

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氡的一种放射性的,惰性的和气态的同位素,其半衰期为3。92秒。A radioactive, inert, gaseous isotope of radon, with a half-life of 3. 92 seconds.

因此,我们知道这种母同位素是在何时何处产生的,但尚不清楚它是如何产生的。So we've known where and when the parent isotope was made, but not how it got here.

本文综述了稳定性同位素技术在这一领域的应用进展。In this paper stable isotope techniques applied to forest ecosystems were overviewed.

锶、钕同位素数据及稀土元素数据表明,白马尖花岗岩体为壳幔混合型。Nd and Sr isotope and REE data show that the intrusion is of crust-mantle mixing type.

方法具有批量分析样品铼-锇同位素的应用前景。The method has a good application prospects in the conventional ReOs isotope analysis.

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最后研究了逆反应对同位素浓缩过程的影响。Finally, the effects of reversible reaction to the isotope enrichment was investigated.

这些同位素的比例能够告诉我们这些鸟的饮食状况,也就提供了它们的地域信息。The isotope ratios tell you about the bird’s diet. And that tells you where they dined.

本文根据钻孔样品对苏州花岗岩主侵入阶段岩石作了较详细的氧同位素研究。Oxygen isotope studies of the Suzhou granite have been made based on drill-hole samples.