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生活中无形的不定方程!What an indefinite life equation!

不确定,或非特指名词前不加冠词!Do not use the with indefinite nouns.

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这是一座永久性的建筑物。The structure has an indefinite life.

不定积分是反导数。The indefinite integral is an antiderivative.

不定积分是反导数。The indefinite integral is an antiderivative.

无数的人念过莎士比亚的作品。An indefinite number of people read Shakespeare.

教学有法,但无定法。The teaching has the law, but indefinite method.

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我们不可以在这个名词前用不定冠词。We can't use the indefinite article with this noun.

神生不定者,道之所不载也。God Health indefinite persons, Road, also are not set.

麦肯锡已经要求库马尔无限期休假。McKinsey has put Mr. Kumar on an indefinite leave of absence.

本文给出求不定积分的一种新方法。A new method is given which can solve the indefinite integral.

在伯尔尼瑞士和其他一些投票无限期刑罚。The Bernese and other Swiss voted for some indefinite penalty.

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流放期限也从有期变为终生服役等。The timelimit also changed from limited term to indefinite time.

诸大德!现在到了诵出这二不定戒。Now, venerable sirs, the Two Indefinite Rules come up for recitation.

在大一的数学教学中,不定积分既是一个重点也是一个难点。The indefinite integral calculation is one important sector in calculus.

方位词在语法上的最大特点是黏着性,在表义上的特点是不确定性。In grammar, nouns of location are bound in form and indefinite in meaning.

用常规方法求解不定积分问题是相当困难的。It is very difficult to solve the indefinite integral with general method.

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非法采矿罪存在立法不明确、乏可操作性等缺陷。The illegal mining is guilty of indefinite legislation and lacking operability.

无定主语的允准跟是否有成分满足话题需求有关。The licensing of an indefinite subject is relative to the requirement of the topic.

基层和中层公务员已承诺要加入到无限期罢工中来。Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.