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怎样为白血病病人进行会阴护理?。How to Conduct Perineum Nursing for Leukemia Patients?

会阴也有弹性但是弹性力不如子宫。The perineum is also elastic but less so than the vagina.

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目的探讨助产中更好地保护会阴的操作手法。Objective To investigate the better method of protecting perineum in delivery.

腰部及会阴区的慢性疼痛刺激可导致性功能障碍。Chronic pain stimulus of lumbar and perineum regions would cause sexual disorder.

然后通过盆底肌肉中心形成隧道,将直肠从中脱出,与会阴皮肤吻合。The rectum was grasped using the perineal trocar and exteriorized to the perineum.

会阴区域收缩的同时向横隔膜方向提拉。Simultaneously the region of the perineum is contracted and pulled up towards the diaphragm.

故会阴的护理是预防白血病感染的重要内容之一。Thus the nursing of perineum is one of the important contents of preventing leukemia infection.

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这个问题我一直没有得到答案,因为此时她的手轻柔地从我的臀部移向了我的会阴。I never found out because her hands were working lightly across my buttocks towards my perineum.

你或许喜欢自己的睾丸被抚摸,被拉扯,或是会阴被抚摸,而她也一样需要看到这些。You may like your balls touched or pulled, or your perineum stroked, and she needs to see that too.

结论冰敷会阴对于减轻自然产后会阴肿胀及疼痛有一定疗效。Conclusion Perineum ice compress is a good method to release perineum swelling and pain after delivery.

目的观察产后会阴切口预防性应用抗生素的临床效果。To observe the clinic effects of preventive application of antibiotic in incision of perineum in postpartum.

目的探讨不同会阴切开方式及缝合技术的临床效果。Objective To investigate the clinical effect on the different perineum incision ways and saturation techniques.

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打开上颚的后部就能够允许我们的呼吸运动,一直沉到会阴处的骨盆的底端。This opening of the back of the palate would allow movement of the breathing to drop down to the floor of pelvic of the perineum.

结果2例患者年龄分别为64岁和73岁,临床表现为排尿困难、膀胱刺激症及会阴不适。Results The age of the 2 patients was 64 and 73. The clinical symptoms were dysuria, vesical irritability and perineum discomfort.

我们也藉由两个案例报告提醒在腹壁,会阴之坏死性筋膜炎要考虑肿瘤侵犯的可能性。We also should keep in mind that extended necrotizing fasciitis of the groin areas, abdominal wall, and perineum may be related to metastatic tumor invasion.

多重造影检查还发现盆底及腹膜疝9例,膀胱脱出6例,会阴下降综合征3例,子宫后倒或脱垂10例。Moreover, PCCD found 9 cases of pelvic floor hernia or peritoneoceles, 6 cases of cystoceles, 3 cases of descending perineum syndromes, and 10 cases of uterine prolapses.

这三脉起源于位于会阴或子宫的根轮,在呼吸法中我们学习用不同的方式掌握这些脉。These three nadis originate at mooladhara chakra which is situated at the perineum or the cervix . In pranayama we learn to manipulate the flow of these nadis in different ways.

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腰部及会阴区的慢性疼痛刺激可导致性功能障碍。本文采用局部痛点注射镇痛疗法治疗痛源性性功能障碍取得满意疗效。Chronic pain stimulus of lumbar and perineum regions would cause sexual disorder. Analgesia of injection of local pain point has a curative effect in treatment of glegosexual disorder.

四重造影检查还发现盆底及腹膜疝9例,膀胱脱出6例,会阴下降综合征3例,子宫后倾或脱垂10例。All of these were confirmed by PCCD. Moreover, 9 cases of pelvic floor hernia or peritoneoceles, 6 cystoceles, 3 descending perineum syndromes and 10 uterine prolapses were found by PCCD.