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波托马克河边的篝火晚会。A Bivouac Fire on the Potomac.

波多马克的士兵——枕着自己的臂膀睡觉。Army of the Potomac — Sleeping on Their Arms.

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她们不知道波多马克河畔发生了什么。They don't know what's going on in the Potomac.

波托马可军团回到了他们出发点。The Army of the Potomac was back where it started.

他再一次地强令召回了波托马克河的部队。Once again, he had forced back the Army of the Potomac.

很快,他的公司——波托马克巧克力诞生了。In very short order, his company, Potomac Chocolate, was born.

阿灵顿公墓位在维吉尼亚州,与华盛顿特区隔着波多马克河相望着。It is located in Virginia across the Potomac River from Washington, D. C.

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麦克莱伦统率着联盟最庞大的军队——波多马克军团。McClellan commanded the biggest army in the Union, the Army of the Potomac.

事实上,Potomac使用元数据标签实现了整个扩展点机制。In fact, Potomac uses metadata tags for its entire extension point mechanism.

接着,在波托马可河铁路大桥的末端响起了此次进攻的第一枪。Then, at the far end of the Potomac River bridge, the first shots were fired.

但尽管如此,纽科姆的菜圃里种出的作物还是不能打上“有机蔬菜”的名号。But you can't call what's produced on Newcomb's Potomac Vegetable Farms "organic.

但是纽康姆的波托马克河蔬菜农场所出产的农作物还是不能称作“有机”。But you can't call what's produced on Newcomb's Potomac Vegetable Farms "organic."

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华盛顿特区生活图片。享受宁静的片刻,两人划桨在波多马克河在键桥之下。Enjoying a quiet moment, two people paddle on the Potomac River under the Key Bridge.

波托马克鹰号列车沿着西弗吉尼亚州罗姆尼附近波托马克河南边的支流奔跑。The Potomac Eagle runs along the south branch of the Potomac River, near Romney, W. Va.

跨过宽阔的波托马克河漫滩,飞机在国家机场降落。Across an expanse of the Potomac floodplain, airplanes were landing at National Airport.

位于西部波托马克公园,它包括四个露天粗糙的花岗岩荒料的客房。Located in west Potomac Park, it includes four open air rooms made of rough granite blocks.

吉尔伯特新闻生涯开始于移民报道,新闻来源于弗吉尼亚州伍德布里奇市波托马可河区域。Gilbert got his start in journalism at the Potomac News in Woodbridge, Va., covering immigration.

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去年,联邦政府科学家报告在马里兰州的波多马克河发现产卵的雄鱼。Last year, federal scientists reported finding egg-growing male fish in Maryland's Potomac River.

你不会等到河水溢出波多马克河才意识到全球变暖是一个问题。You don't want to see the water rising on the Potomac before deciding global warming is a problem.

米德谨慎尾随其后,但对同盟军再次渡过波托马克河之前的截击却以失败告终。Meade followed cautiously and failed to cut off the Confederates before they recrossed the Potomac.