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你所得到的只有颠覆和反动。What you get is subversion and reaction.

该网站对茅先生发起了控告,控告其犯有颠覆罪和诽谤罪。Utopia accuses Mr Mao of subversion and libel.

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第一种手法是非理性的颠覆和解构。The first non-rational means of subversion and deconstruction.

首先在您的个人计算机上建立一个新的空目录。The Subversion term for creating a fresh working copy is Checkout.

意图煽惑他人犯叛国、颠覆或分裂国家罪。With intent to incite others to commit treason , subversion or secession.

拙劣模仿,先锋派,奥利弗古龙都的诗学颠覆。Parody, the Avant-Garde, and the Poetics of Subversion in Oliverio Girondo.

然而,鬼王为复活兽神并颠覆青云,设下连环阴谋。However, as the beast God and ghost resurrection subversion Qingyun, a serial.

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在这个案例中,我们是要在重建周围构建一个共存的案例。In this case, we're looking at building a coexistence story around subversion.

胡佳以颠覆罪名被判三年半徒刑。Hu is serving a three-and-a-half year prison sentence on charges of subversion.

本文剖析王尔德作品中对理想化的爱的观点。My thesis is about Oscar Wildes subversion of the system of Victorian morality.

国会恼怒这种破坏活动,于1940年春制订史密斯法。Congressional vexation at such subversion led to the Smith Act in spring of 1940.

在另一方面,人伦关系并没有被套牢,因为真理的知识会受到颠覆。On the other hand—and here there is no linkup—there is a subversion of knowledge.

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这是一部颠覆黄飞鸿传统形象的喜剧电影。This is a subversion of the traditional image of the comedy film Once Upon a Time.

数以千计的人因被怀疑进行颠覆活动而被投入监狱。Thousands of people suspected of subversion were thrown into prison after show trials.

如果这是颠覆政府以及“腐蚀青年”,那么他就沉湎于自己危险的影响力之中。If this was subversion and "corrupting the youth", he revelled in his dangerous influence.

池莉通过自己的作品对传统的男权世界进行了彻底的颠覆。Chi Li gives a thorough subversion to the traditional male-supreme world through her writings.

文章说,依照中国法律,刘晓波因煽动颠覆国家政权罪受到惩处。The article said that according to Chinese law, Liu inciting subversion of state power are punished.

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许多人因为颠覆的罪名被关进监狱或者在网上发布政治文章而受到安全警告。Dozens of people have been jailed on subversion or security charges for posting political essays online.

冉云飞,46岁,作家、博主和活动家,因“颠覆国家政权罪”于2月24日遭到拘禁。Ran Yunfei, 46, a writer, blogger, and activist, was detained for "subversion of state power" on Feb. 24.

余华以曾经颠覆既有历史、既有传统的勇气,颠覆自己曾经孜孜不倦的追求。Yuhua have to subvert both history and both have their own traditional courage subversion tireless pursuit.