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对不起,我拖堂了。Sorry, I've OVerrun the time.

这房子鼠害猖獗。The house is overrun with rats.

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我们这里的蠢货和懒鬼已经泛滥成灾了!We're Overrun By Nerds And Slackers!

有一栋房子被老鼠所盘据。A certain house was overrun with Mice.

我希望下次你不要像这样再超越限度了。I prefer you not to overrun on this next time.

很快地里就长满了杂草。Presently the fields have been overrun by weeds.

去年那些暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作。The street was overrun by the bullies last year.

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瓦兰提斯大街小巷到处都是白矮象。Volantis was overrun with white dwarf elephants.

事实多到爆,独不见智慧的世界!A world overrun with facts but lacking in wisdom!

义军被击溃,回波基地沦陷。The Rebels were routed and Echo Base was overrun.

他44岁,离异,后院长满了杂草。He was 44, divorced, his backyard overrun with crabgrass.

由于海寇猖獗,很少有人敢走这一带海域。Overrun by pirates, few people dare to sail on this sea area.

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北洋海军此时期的经费,逾2600万两。Beiyang Fleet's fees was overrun 2600, 0000 tael at the same stage.

魔笛的故事里,那个村庄鼠患泛滥。In the tale of the Pied Piper, we have a village overrun with rats.

二战期间,日本侵略者在中国横行霸道,无恶不作。During the Second World War, China had been overrun by Japanese invaders.

他们到了布鲁塞尔,他们占领了萨瓦,他们袭击了美因兹。They were in Brussels, they had overrun savoy , they had raided to Mayence.

团4.2英寸迫击炮连饱和射击并报废了一根炮管。The regiment's 4.2-inch Mortar Company was overrun and lost one of its tubes.

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三年后,罗马尼亚被前苏联入侵,并签署了休战协议。Three years later, Romania was overrun by the Soviets and signed an armistice.

在冰淇淋这一行里,空气在冰淇淋混制过程中的量,称之为“含气量”。In the ice cream business, the amount of air in the mix is termed the "overrun."

十年前,这里曾被可卡因贩运游击队和准军事组织占领。A decade ago it was overrun by cocaine-trafficking guerrillas and paramilitaries.