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覆盖物太多使植物窒息。Smother plants with mulch.

我刚设法忍住了一个呵欠。I just managed to smother a yawn.

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一阵水花扑来,溅湿了他的脸。A smother of spray dashed up, wetting his face.

难道她就这样要活生生的憋死吗?Does she smother to death animatedly like this?

在詹姆斯的一些小说里动机似乎把情节掩盖住了。In some of Jame's fiction motive seems to smother event.

是有人在有意想用这张床把我闷死在躺着的地方。It was intended that the bed would smother me where I lay.

如果你在一个缺少唉的环境下长大,别让你的孩子再重蹈覆辙。If you grew up without love, smother your children with it.

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你若把那块布盖在婴儿的脸上,你会把他憋死的!You'll smother him if you put that cloth over the baby's face.

在火上一下子添上很多煤,反而能把火闷死。If you put too much coal on the fire at once you'll smother it.

在女人情投意合的地方,男人只能把彼此的怨恨一笔勾销。Where women love each other, men learn to smother their mutual dislike.

只要多吃它你的皮肤将变得紧致和洁净。Include it into your diet and your skin will become smother and cleaner.

消防战士们在灭这种火的时候,用各种可能的粉末或泡沫。Fire fighters have to smother oil fires with a blanket of powder or foam.

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不过他没有打算拿枕头闷死安德。他没有拿武器。But he did not reach for a pillow to smother Ender. He did not have a weapon.

许多父母放纵孩子,溺爱小孩,什么都答应他们。Many parents indulge their kids, smother them with love and deny them nothing.

阿三想,“如果我不赶快从井里出去,在我饿死之前就会被憋闷死了。”Ah-3 thought, "If I don't get out of here pretty soon, I'll smother before I starve."

第三个因素是政局的紧张可能会扼杀泰国的希望之苗。The third factor is the possibility that political tensions will smother Thailand's green shoots.

当队友们狂喜地冲过去拥着他的时候,几名加纳人跪在了场地上。As his teammates sprinted to smother him in an ecstatic scrum, several Ghanaians slumped to the field.

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事实上,当时那种学校教育也只能窒息人的创造性。As a matter of fact, the school education at that time could do nothing but smother creation of the human.

他并没有象巴里那样一直凝视她的眼睛或让她透不过气来,但他很明显非常在乎她。He didn’t stare into her eyes or smother her the way Barry had, but he made it clear that he was available.

三分钟后,迪达再次出击,从带球突进的克里斯蒂安。维耶里的脚下抢得皮球。Three minutes later, Dida came out quickly to smother the ball at the feet of the on-rushing Christian Vieri.