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公里数是免费的吗?Is the mileage free?

关于里数方面呢?How about the mileage?

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飞行里数绩分提升。No Mileage Plus upgrade.

我可以使用我的飞机常客优惠卡吗?Can I use my frequent flyer mileage?

你的里程表是什么里数的?What's the mileage on your odometer?

创建一个策略为你的旅程赚钱。Create a strategy for your mileage earning.

可以用里程换购的舱位已满。Mileage redemption of the class can be full.

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除了你没人能跑完这个里程。No one can finish the mileage except for you.

告诉我以千位数略算,这辆车行驶了多少英里。Give me the car mileage to the nearest thousand.

如果车程超过400英里﹐就要按里数额外收费。There1s a surcharge for mileage after 400 miles.

“我没有计划,没有一点点目标了,”她说道。"I had no plan, not even mileage goals," she says.

调整会改善性能降低油耗。Tuneups improve performance as well as gas mileage.

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在医院里程超群陪着程如山。In the hospital with Cheng Rushan mileage supergroup.

机票不可累积飞行哩数。Ticket is NOT eligible for KrisFlyer mileage accrual.

哈里的车每加仑跑不出几里路,是真正的油老虎。Harry's car gets terrible mileage. It's a real gas-guzzler.

你的运动状态,让您的里程颁发了奖牌。Your state of motion, giving you the mileage awarded medals.

它采用大圈公式计算旅行里程。It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.

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这个价格包括全额免碰撞保险服务,并且不限里程。That price includes full collision waiver and unlimited mileage.

这种车的租金是每天20元,无哩程数限制。The rates for this car is twenty dollars per day, unlimited mileage.

突然你看到汽车仪表盘上的油耗情况。And suddenly you look at the gas mileage on the car on the dashboard.