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在这雄伟粗犷的太行山中。In the craggy Taihang Mountains.

还是峻峭高山,那全部出产。And all the craggy mountains yield.

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我眷念坡道崎岖的山地Which loves the mountain's craggy side

这条小路通向崎岖的山顶。The footpath climbed towards the craggy skyline.

然木工石坊之作帝王乎Was it kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?

你96岁的奶奶还是花园里的那棵老树?Your 96-year-old gran or that craggy tree at the bottom of the garden?

抽象画家克利福特·史蒂尔是美国艺术中一个难解的谜。The abstract painter Clyfford Still is a craggy enigma of American art.

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嶙峋的山峰上修凿了巨大的石阶,那是一个大型神庙的一部分。Carved into its craggy summit are massive steps, part of a major Inca shrine.

陡峭的山显现了出来,雾气渐渐消散,汽车也从高速路上渐行渐远。Craggy hills rose up, the mists descended, and cars vanished from the highways.

也门的两千四百万人民分散地居住在沙漠上和崎岖的大山里的15万个定居点。Its 24m people are scattered over deserts and craggy mountains in 150,000 settlements.

崎岖的峭壁从暴晒的大陆上拔地而起,这是西非最为绚丽的景观。A craggy mass rears up from the sun-bleached plan, one of West Africa's most stunning sights.

崎岖的山脉,黑暗的森林还有浑浊的薄雾正适合阴影议员的典礼和冥想。Craggy mountains, dark forests and roiling mists are perfect for a Shadow Lord's rituals and meditations.

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身后的客人开亮一支手电,使我能看清他那银色的头发和健壮、多棱的脸孔。Behind me someone switched on a light, and I could see his luxuriant silvery hair and strong, craggy face.

他的首选武器是一块带着一根铁链的粗糙巨石,这东西挥舞起来就像原始的钉头锤。His preferred weapon was a craggy hunk of stone attached to a chain that he wielded like a primitive mace.

在这片开阔地带的远处,矗立着一座双峰小山,它的两个嶙峋的峰顶在阳光下闪闪发光。On the far side of the open stood one of the hills, with two quaint, craggy peaks, shining vividly in the sun.

巨大的爬行类动物在崎岖的峡谷中潜行,搜寻猎物,把绛德兰荒地变得更加危险。Making the Jundland Wastes all the more dangerous are immense reptiles stalking the craggy canyons in search of prey.

这个陡峭的悬崖环绕克莱尔郡的西部海岸,在这里大西洋的胜景一览无余。The craggy Cliffs of Moher wrap around the western coast of County Clare, providing a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean.

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古城马斯喀特风景如画般的位于延伸至海洋的陡峭的低矮的群山之间。The ancient city of Muscat is picturesquely nestled among a craggy collection of low mountains that run right into the sea.

从山顶制高点我们远眺连绵的绿色海洋,地平线上起伏的远山像是海啸的排浪。From its hilltop vantage point, we gaze over an unbroken green sea in which craggy hills loom on far horizons like tsunamis.

他转过最后一个拐角,来到了一个水平的、宽阔的地面,这地面延伸了大概十步远,就是一处陡峭的花岗岩的石墙。As he turned one last corner he came onto a leveled, widened floor that ended some ten paces away in a wall of craggy granite.