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它就在档案柜里。It's in the file cabinet.

内阁定期开会。The cabinet meets regularly.

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内阁正在改组。The cabinet is restructuring.

他有一个档案柜吗?。Does he have a filing cabinet?

这理应由内阁作出决断。The cabinet should have ruled.

厨房浴室水槽柜。Kitchen, bathroom sink cabinet.

“丽池”的厨房餐具柜The Kitchen Cabinet at the Ritz

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这个电视柜是什麽做的?What's this TV cabinet made of?

木皮饰面柜。Cabinet with wood veneer finish.

这个柜子有四米长。The cabinet is four meters long.

他们正在改组内阁。They are recomposing the cabinet.

鞋柜-你把鞋放进鞋柜里。Put the shoes in the shoe cabinet.

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旧电视柜装不下新电视?没问题,我能修!New TV too big for the old cabinet?

戴天理把金柜绑了起来。Dai Tianli tied up the gold cabinet.

弗莱雅橱柜只为生活更美!Foreal cabinet just for life better!

他用透明漆涂饰那碗柜。He used clear to finish the cabinet.

我闻声有人在开柜子。I heard someone opening the cabinet.

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我档案柜的钥匙掉了。I lost my key to the filing cabinet.

整体橱柜设计作品KD做的!KD overall cabinet design work done!

你把洗碗机当碗橱。You use dish-washer as dish cabinet.