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由于思想本身的特性,思想是分裂的。By its very nature, thought is separative.

由,还证明了分离的阿贝尔正则环是APT环。By, we prove that a separative abelian regular ring is an APT ring.

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你一直是在用逻辑来维持那个分离的架构。You are using logic to continue that separative structure, that is all.

简单介绍了花粉高压静电分选装置。This paper introduces briefly the separative device of high voltage electrostatic.

结果确定采用D-101型大孔吸附树脂进行分离纯化。RESULTS D-101 resin had the best adsorptive and separative properties to the total flavonoids.

制备型高效液相色谱是一种快速,有效的分析分离工具。Preparative high performance liquid chromatography is a kind of quick and effective separative means.

介绍了二元和多组分同位素混合物的分离功率表达式。The expressions of separative power of both binary isotopic and multi-isotopic mixture are presented.

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第十条申请文件章与章之间、节与节之间应有明显的分隔标识。Article10there should be obvious separative signs between chapters and sections in the application documents.

换言之,所有的干预必须使用隔离装置比如隔离器手套或半着装。In other words, all interventions must be conducted using separative features such as isolator gloves or half-suits.

当然,分离物比如隔离器也将同样遇到退化的可能。Of course, it is equally possible that separative enclosures such as isolators will suffer the fate of obsolescence as well.

结果表明,当供料流量在20克每小时附近时,单机分离性能最佳。The results show that the separative performance of single unit reaches its maximum when feed flow is about 20 grams per hour.

本文介绍了HPCE的分离模式及利用HPCE诊断某些疾病的方法及原理。The separative mode of HPCE, method and principle of HPCE in the field of diagnosing some diseases was introduced in this review.

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在空间演化方面,货运量分布与生产地分离的趋势已经显现。In the aspect of spatial evolution, the separative trend between distribution of goods volume and production location is appeared.

各个地区生活垃圾的特性不同,其生活垃圾的处理方式亦有所差异。The MSW should be treated by the integrative method of separative selectionincineration and sanitary landfill method according to the MSW features.

古鲁和神甫们也教导我们没有独立的个体架构,而那是我们的问题之源。你同他们有什么区别吗?The gurus and priests teach us also that there is no separative structure and that that is the source of our problems. How do you differ from them?

基于相似材料模拟实验与现场矿压观测,本文分析了大面积剥离顶板的断裂与运动特点。Based on a number of experiments on equivalent materials and field observation, the break and moving features of separative roof in a large area has been analyzed.

我希望有一天,在我们事业成功之时,波波和心诺能够在一个美丽的地方重逢,来彼此诉说我们分别的这段时光的历程。I hope that one day Bobo and Sophia could meet in another beautiful place with the success of our career , and express our feelings of the passing separative years.

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在分析现代生产模式下传统BOM结构缺陷的基础上,提出了双阶分离式BOM结构,并给出了面向对象的相关算法。Double-steps separative BOM structure was presented, based on analyzing the shortcoming of traditional BOM on Mass Customization production, and its recursion algorithm was given.

向分离型振动切削的精密微细切削特性,以往是由“刚性化理论”进行解释的,具有一定局限性。In former times, the mechanism of precision micro-cutting in Z-direction separative vibration cutting had been explained with the cutting system rigidity, but it has certain limitations.