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使用俚语。Use slang.

这便是黑话了。It is slang.

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黑话是什么?What is slang?

黑话使人听了毛骨悚然!Slang makes one shudder!

对…下赌注,如在法罗牌中。Slang To bet against, as in faro.

黑话,便是语言中的苦役犯。Slang is language turned convict.

把黑话保留下来有什么好处呢?What is the use of preserving slang?

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俚语慢慢地渗入语言中。Slang insinuates itself into the language.

伞菌在俚语中通常被称为“有毒的蘑菇”。Toadstool is slang for "poisonous mushroom".

“朱格斯”是布莱顿民间的俚语。“Jugs” was the Lewes slang for Brighton folk.

Okey-doke作为学生俚语出现在1932年。Okey-doke is student slang first attested 1932.

俚语往往很快风行起来又很快不再风行了。Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly.

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鄙俗俚语或粗暴的言语是在我的知识范围之外吗?Are slang words or tough language outside My ken?

黑话是黑暗中人的语言。Slang is the tongue of those who sit in darkness.

让黑话“幸存下去”有什么好处呢?What is the good of assisting slang "to survive"?

他们很喜欢听他说土话,吹牛皮或胡说八道。They like his slang and his brag and his blunders.

接着读一读吧,来更多地了解一下老伦敦的押韵俚语。Read on, to learn more about Cockney rhyming slang.

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他唠叨的主要是一些假语村言。Slang had been a principal component of his rattling.

“乔莫”在他的寄宿学校里就是“生殖器”的俚语。Jomo is slang for cock in Mr Wainaina's boarding school.

地区线的俗名是“鱼和小包裹”。Fish and Parcels is the slang name for the District Line.