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你知道阅读障碍是什么。You know what dyslexia is.

语言障碍也能影响一个人的情感。Dyslexia can also affect a person emotionally.

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诵读困难是一种“无法预知”的学习障碍。Dyslexia is an "unexpected" learning disorder.

诵读困难症远比人们想象的要普遍得多。Dyslexia is far more common than people believe.

最常见的学习障碍是难语症。The most common learning disability is dyslexia.

最常见的学习障碍是诵读困难。The most common learning disability is dyslexia.

我们上个星期已经讨论了说话障碍,即诵读障碍。We talked last week about a reading disorder, dyslexia.

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下面列出了一些诵读困难症较普遍的征兆。Here is a list of a few common warning signs of dyslexia.

难语症最普遍影响阅读拼写和写作。Dyslexia most commonly affects reading, spelling and writing.

当我长大后,由于诵读障碍,我真的很艰难。When I grew up, it was really hard for me because of my dyslexia.

有的诵读困难者可能只表现出其中的一种症状。Some children with dyslexia might only have one of these symptoms.

例如,一个人如果阅读困难可能患有失读症。For example, a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia.

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诵读困难还会影响他们的记忆力、遵从指示和管理能力。Dyslexia can also affect memory, following directions and management skills.

该病是无法治愈的,但是阅读障碍的患者仍然可以成为成功的学习者。There is no cure, but people with dyslexia can still be successful learners.

如果你认为你有阅读障碍,那麽建议您采取的考验。If you think that you have dyslexia , then it is recommended that you take a test.

这和早期对患有难语症的双手混用者的相关研究结果相吻合。This is in line with earlier studies that have linked mixed-handedness with dyslexia.

全世界的父母和老师在理解阅读障碍症方面都有着巨大的困难。All over the world, parents and teachers have enormous difficulty understanding dyslexia.

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Zatorre的研究小组正在寻找音乐聋和阅读障碍之间的平行关系。Zatorre's team is finding parallels between tone-deafness and the reading disability dyslexia.

报告称这些物质还与诸如孤独症和失语症这样的儿童发育障碍有关。It says they could also be connected with childhood development disorders such as autism and dyslexia.

诵读困难的孩子无法在传统的教室环境中学习读和写。Children with dyslexia have a difficult time learning to read and write in a typical classroom setting.