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植被是红色。Vegetation is red.

幼鱼藏在植物。Young hide in vegetation.

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这块土地曾是不毛之地。The land was denuded of vegetation.

这种鸟专吃悬崖顶上的植物。The bird feeds on cliff-top vegetation.

王荷生,1992,植物区系地理学,科学出版社。Wieser, J. 1992 Vegetation of the Earth.

盐寮沙丘与植物。The Sand Dunes and Vegetation of Yenliao.

植被指数反映了这一变化。The vegetation index reflects the change.

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水与水饱和的区域颜色由海军蓝至铁青色,植被是绿色的,云团是松绿色的,居民区呈现桃红色。Vegetation is green. Clouds are turquoise.

云南高原湖泊水生植被的研究。A study on lake vegetation of Yunnan Plateau.

还有,喂海苔或高蔬果含量之片状饵料。Also, feed nori or high vegetation flak food.

草木枯荣分四时,一岁月有十二圆。Vegetation Kurong four, a round twelve years.

天目山的植物保护得真好。Tianmu Mountain's vegetation is well protected.

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秋来草木萧疏,开高云淡。Autumn to vegetation Xiao Shu, open thin clouds.

葱翠的有或以茂盛植被为特征的。Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.

石楠系列包含的是贫乏植被类型。The heath series includes poor vegetation types.

避免弄乱器盖以上的植被。Avoid disturbing the vegetation above knee level.

澎湖群岛之植物群落与植物区系。The vegetation and flora of the Pescadore Islands.

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这儿是一片寸草不生的乡村。It is a stretch of country side bare of vegetation.

草木夏枯,三川绝而不流。Vegetation and dry in summer, Mikawa must not flow.

其它还有疏林草原和荒漠植被。Others are sparse forest steppe and desert vegetation.