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任何地方,你来选。Anywhere you choose.

我们可能哪里也去不成。We may not go anywhere.

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可把大衣扔在任何地方。Bung your coat anywhere.

我愿意跟你去任何地方.I’ll follow you anywhere.

我们可能哪里也去不成。We might not go anywhere.

它可以来自任何地方。It could come from anywhere.

你地声音我到哪里都听得出。I'd know your voice anywhere.

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太晚了,哪儿也去不成。It's too late to go anywhere.

帕齐她可以唱任何地方。Patsy sang anywhere she could.

而在命运面前,你无处藏身。And fate can find you anywhere.

绝对不要空手去任何地方。Never go anywhere empty-handed.

这鞋子带我走偏了天下。The shoe has taken me anywhere.

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阿求奉承并不会对你有如何帮助。Flattery won't get you anywhere.

他可能是来自任何地方的一个孩子。He could be a kid from anywhere.

我到处都找不到王红。I can't find Wang Hong anywhere.

途中你有在任何中央勾留吗?Did you stop anywhere on the way?

新的理论随处可来。New ideas can come from anywhere.

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他们根本就看不见莱昂内尔在哪。They couldn’t see Lionel anywhere.

为了拍到照片,他哪儿都敢去。He would go anywhere for a picture.

“路遇”,随时随地,邂逅心动!Meet new friends, anytime anywhere.