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损失可观。The losses are considerable.

这个数目相当可观。This is a considerable figure.

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他拥有相当可观的房地产。He owns considerable real estate.

被糟蹋掉的谷物数量极大。The spoilage of corn was considerable.

你多么体贴入微,领我去看演出!How considerable of you to take me a show!

我曾经尝试过在学期的开头。And at considerable length about debugging.

30吨冷气需要80个20英寸的风扇,30吨冷气是相当可观的。Thirty tons of air is a considerable amount.

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这篇叙述体有许许多多的真理。There was considerable truth in the narrative.

与进口药金纳多疗效相当。And imported drugs Ginaton considerable effect.

这种额外的经济负担会相当大。This extra economic burden can be considerable.

他将一笔本来很可观的财富增大了四倍。He has quintupled a fortune already considerable.

该项议案以多数赞同而获得通过。The motion was carried by a considerable majority.

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这一拍卖为埃克斯福特先生带来盛誉。The sale brought Mr Axford considerable publicity.

日本对于美国肉类的需求是相当可观的。Japan’s appetite for American meat is considerable.

我们有把握订购大量的花布。We are sure to place a considerable order of cloth.

中国于外汇储备经营之道一向讳莫如深。China manages its reserves with considerable secrecy.

他拥有相当多的伊丽莎白时期的藏书供其钻研。He had a considerable Elizabethan library to delve in.

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通常,疫苗的生产成本是很大的Often, vaccines cost a considerable amount to produce.

那个老男人刚炫耀了他的巨额财富。The old man had just flaunted his considerable wealth.

把成本算在内,我们也赚了一大笔。Allow for the cost, we have made a considerable fortune.