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但是他不久就从虚弱恢复过来。But he soon overcame this infirmity.

相较而言,意大利从来没有跨越地方主义。By contrast, Italy never overcame localism.

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坚定的消防员首先克服口渴欲望。The firm fireman first overcame thirst desire.

没吸烟的人很好奇,也忘了生气了。The curiosity of the non-smoker overcame his rage.

约书亚用刀杀了亚玛力王和他的百姓。So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

但是诱惑还是争胜了普赛克,她最终打开了盒子。But Temptation overcame Psyche and she opened the box.

可是,数年以前,我的好奇心战胜了谨慎。A couple of years ago, though, curiosity overcame caution.

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然而,我们克服了所有的困难保级成功。However, we overcame all our problems and reached survival.

她的祖母希望在自己被衰老彻底击败之前见证gauna的进行。Her grandmother wanted the gauna before old age overcame her.

随著援助的猎人,马很快战胜了雄鹿。With the aid of the Hunter, the Horse soon overcame the Stag.

生活不易,但我已经克服了其中最困难的一个障碍。Life is not easy, but I overcame one of its toughest obstacles.

对不起。高原反应,是摄影师。I am sorry. It's the photographer who overcame altitude reaction.

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一阵感情激动冲破了羞怯,海蒂终于说话了。An impulse of feeling now overcame her timidity , and Hetty spoke.

此前,中国故事是如此强大以至于它克服了一切怀疑。Before, the China story was so powerful that it overcame all doubt.

但是他逐渐克服了畸形,成为成功的运动员。He gradually overcame the deformity and became a successful athlete.

日子过的很快,我们在说汉语的时候不在断断续续了。The months passed quickly. We overcame our brokenness in the language.

这位演说家用苦练的方法克服了天生的口吃毛病。By much pains , the orator overcame a natural impediment in his speech.

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在1993年她因血管疾病双目失明,同时失去了工作,但是她克服了失明难关,于1995年开始画画。She lost her job too, but overcame blindness and began painting in 1995.

他们凭仗着顽强不屈的精神克服了重重困难。They overcame all kinds of difficulties by dint of an indomitable spirit.

可惜的是,直到我已经克服了坐飞机恐惧的时候,都没有遇到过她。But what a pity that long after I overcame my acrophobia hadn't I met her.