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三峡地区拥有丰富的水电资源。The Three Gorges Area is rich in hydroelectric resources.

有一个水力发电站和一些纸浆厂、造纸厂以及木材厂。It has a hydroelectric station and pulp, paper, and lumber mills.

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三峡大坝的水能就是一种可再生的清洁能源。The hydroelectric power produced by a dam is clean, renewable energy.

凤滩水电站采用空腹重力拱坝、坝型较为复杂。Feng Tan hydroelectric power plant has used the hollow arch-gravitydam.

它是一座880百万瓦水力发电站的主要动力来源。It is the power behind a 880 megawatt hydroelectric generating station.

位于巴西的伊太瀑水坝是全世界最大的水力发电场。The Itaipu Dam in Brazil is the world's largest hydroelectric power plant.

这段芭蕾舞讲述的是成功建设了一座水电站的喜庆故事。This ballet told the story of the triumphant building of a hydroelectric dam.

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本文是以合面狮水电站大坝的溢流坝闸墩为研究对象。This paper mainly studied the sluice pier of HeMianShi hydroelectric station.

紫坪铺只有一个近400水坝的地震区。Zipingpu is only one of nearly 400 hydroelectric dams in the earthquake zone.

表面凹坑缺陷是水电站引水压力钢管中的一类常见缺陷。Pits are common defects on surface of penstock of hydroelectric power stations.

集团公司管理的对象是大型或特大型水利水电工程。Company management is the subject of large scale irrigation or hydroelectric works.

1919年开始,日月潭周边建了几座水力发电厂。Several hydroelectric power plants have been built in the Sun Moon Lake since 1919.

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应建设水电站坝,为新的省立公园提供电源。A hydroelectric dam should be built to provide electricity to the new provincial park.

布巴拉水电站位于弗朗斯维尔市以南50公里,是由中国水利水电建设集团承建的加蓬最大的水电站项目。The Upper Trishuli 3A Hydroelectric Project was build by China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd.

太阳热影响地球的雨循环并供给现代水力发电机的动力。Solar heat also drives the Earth's rain cycle, powering modern hydroelectric generators.

本电站地下厂房的地质条件比较复杂。The geological conditions of this underground hydroelectric power plant is very com- plex.

这些能源用于向水库抽水,水库中的水再带动水电站的涡轮机旋转。The power is used to pump water up into the reservoirs that feed the hydroelectric turbines.

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挑流消能是消能工中最常用的消能方式之一,应用极其广泛。Energy dissipation of ski-jump type is very important in the hydroelectric power engineering.

水电部白山水力发电厂钢结构防腐。Electricity & Water Authority baishan hydroelectric power plant steel structure anti-corrosion.

计划修建的五座水电站坝中,有三座拟建在帕斯夸河,另外两座将建在贝克河。In total, five hydroelectric dams are planned, three for the Pascua river and two for the Baker.