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这是奉纳演舞。This is ceremony dance.

他的鞠躬只是一种虚礼而已。His bow was mere ceremony.

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现在我们结束典礼的部分。We now conclude the ceremony.

开学典礼是哪天?When was the opening ceremony?

他将婚礼拍录下来。He filmed the wedding ceremony.

你甭客气。Please don't stand on ceremony.

这是一个结婚仪式。It is part of a marriage ceremony.

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我们过过看看祭祀仪式。Let's go and look at the ceremony.

哈拉比勉强拼凑了一场庆祝会。Halaby hoked up a special ceremony.

在这里吃饭可以不拘礼节。There was no ceremony about dining.

你们有升旗典礼吗?Do you have a flag raising ceremony?

升旗仪式现在开始。The flag-raising ceremony stars now.

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这种仪式使我们心生敬畏。This ceremony solemnized our hearts.

你们的典礼真让我兴奋。I was so excited about your ceremony.

因为下雨,仪式从简。The ceremony was abbreviated by rain.

今日。喺我校既散学-毕业典礼。Today. Is my school closing ceremony.

他突然出现在婚礼上。He bursted in on the wedding ceremony.

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女王在仪式过后脱去了王袍。The Queen disrobed after the ceremony.

闭幕式也是一个大的盛会。The closing ceremony is one big party.

张国建主持了仪式。Zhang Jian presided over the ceremony.