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什么是出出气,它是怎么用蜡画蜡画?What is out gassing and how is it used in encaustic wax painting?

彻底改变了现彩瓦相互搭接的形式。Thoroughly has changed present encaustic tile mutual lap joint form.

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蜡画是一种古老的画法,它将颜料与加热的蜡混合。Encaustic painting was the ancient method of fixing pigments with heated wax.

由于结合剂的改变,绘画经历了从蜡画、镶嵌画、干壁画、湿壁画、坦培拉绘画到油画的历史变迁。Owing to the changes of mediums, paintings change from encaustic , mosaic, secco, fresco, and tempera to oil painting.

现在我们知道了哪些颜色是深色哪些颜色是浅色,下面就开始学习这种新的画法“刮蜡画”。Now we know what color is a dark color which is light-colored, the following began to study this new painting, "encaustic scratch."

公司位于成都市新都区五桂村,占地面积约30000平方米,年产彩瓦能力1500万片,是西南地区较大的彩瓦生产基地之一。The area 30000 square meters, the encaustic tile annual output 15000000 pieces, is the southwest large-scale encaustic tile production base.

王月园以深厚的蜡画功底、蜡刀出神入化的运用创造了一种新的蜡画形式——蜡板画。Yueyuan Wang, with profound wax painting level and the using of the wax knife by superb, creates a new form of encaustic wax wood-block painting.

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成都美华豪彩瓦有限公司始建于二零零三年八月,是专业的生产水泥彩瓦及其配套产品的生产商。The Chengdu US China bold encaustic tile Limited company builds in August, 2003 , is the specialized colored cement encaustic tile and the complete set of products manufacture producer.

写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall.

写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas , green vitriol and nutgall.

公司引进国内一流生产设备,采用国际领先彩瓦生产技术及着色工艺。The company introduces the domestic first-class production equipment, uses the international leading encaustic tile production technology and the coloring craft, presently has production base two.