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炼金术受到了占星术影响。Alchemy is influenced by horoscope.

冲破恐惧的点金术究竟是什么东西?What is the alchemy of fear breaking?

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通过夹层CDO的炼丹术。Through the alchemy of Mezzanine-CDOs.

普林西比希望为炼金术讨回名声。Dr Principe wants to rehabilitate alchemy.

现在炼金术被认为是伪科学。Alchemy is now considered a pseudo-science.

马克思被那笔银行交易的发财梦搞得倾家荡产。Max lost his shirt on that bank deal alchemy.

那么,开动这种炼金术需要什么呢?What then is needed to get the alchemy going?

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据说有位隐士曾在此炼丹。A hermit is said to have practiced alchemy here.

小明读过一些关于古代方术的书。Xiao Ming read some books about ancient alchemy.

古代的炼丹术是最早的化学实验。Ancient Alchemy is the earliest chemistry experiment.

炼金术涉及有一种元素变为另一种元素。Alchemy involves transmuting one element into another.

在中国神话里,太上老君专职修炼仙丹。In Chinese Mythology, Laojun was in charge of alchemy.

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可怕的炼金术,那是奴隶制的一个有建设性的定义A fearful alchemy that's a useful definition of slavery.

更有甚者,他竟然用炼丹炉来煮方便面!The piglet even cooks instant noodles in an alchemy stove.

在伽利略的炼金术慢慢失去影响力和声誉。After Galilei the alchemy slowly lost influence and reputation.

对牛顿而言,炼金术也许也比化学更有用。For Newton, alchemy may also have proved bigger than chemistry.

目前,编程只不过是一种新式“炼金术”。For now, programming is little more than a new-fangled alchemy.

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那伽•萨多写过很多关于西斯炼金术的文章。Naga Sadow wrote many texts concerning the art of Sith alchemy.

理查德告诉过我16世纪的三卷关于炼金术的对开本书籍的事。Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy.

祖以万在萨满教和深奥的炼金术起源中被提到。Zurvan is mentioned in the Origins of Alchemy Shamanic &Esoteric.