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即使边车有挡风玻璃不弄乱你的头发?Even if the sidecar had a windscreen to protect your hair?

三轮铲雪自行车,有边车,有铲雪犁。Custom 3-wheel bicycle with sidecar and snow plow accessory.

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他经常用他的摩托车载着鲁鲁外出。He often takes Lelouch out riding in his motorcycle's sidecar.

它实际上是边上带有冒烟装置跨斗的摩托艇式样的摩托车.It is actually a cruiser-style motorcycle with a smoker sidecar.

一个朋友让西门坐上他自行车的跨斗上,带他在镇上转。A wooden sidecar coupled to a friend's bike allows him to ride through a town that mocks him.

艾芙琳.渥伯顿在本月初搭乘一辆连结在摩托车旁的边车前往她的百岁生日庆生派对。Evelyn Warburton rode to her 100th birthday party earlier this month in a motorcycle sidecar.

你是说我的挎斗摩托车?是啊,那是长江750,一代传奇啊!You are talking about my motorcycle with sidecar? Yes that is Changjiang 750. It is a legend!

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挎斗里,他的两条腿被海德薇的笼子和他的背包挤着,已经隐隐作痛,开始发麻。His legs, jammed into the sidecar by Hedwig's cage and his rucksack, were already sore and starting to go numb.

所谓摩托车骑士是指任何骑乘于摩托车、或其所附边车、拖车上的人。L A motorcycle rider is any person riding on a motorcycle or in a sidecar or trailer attached to such a vehicle.

记住,这些品质很高的酒,相互混合,虽然价格高昂,每种调法都是以鸡尾酒为最后一道工序。Keep in mind, these high-quality mixes are also highly-priced, but each drink arrives with a sidecar for topping off.

摩托车侧兜上的双竖条标志是该师在库尔斯克战役时使用的。The twin bar emblem on the front of the sidecar was used as a divisional symbol by "Das Reich" during Battle of Kursk.

理想的工作,上下班或注册曲折道路的周末之旅,近地天体仍灵活的边三轮吊舱可以很容易地删除。Ideal for a work commute or a weekend trip up twisty roads, the NEOS remains flexible as the sidecar pod can easily be removed.

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最显眼的是海格,他戴着头盔和护目镜,骑在一辆巨大的、带黑色挎斗的轻型摩托车上。Dominating the scene was Hagrid, wearing a helmet and goggles and sitting astride an enormous motorbike with a black sidecar attached.

调酒的过程更像是一场奇妙的配药之旅,普通鸡尾酒价格在78-98元不等,甚至也有一款鸡尾酒卖价高达888元。Expect well thought out mixes that are more like potions, priced at RMB 78-98 for your regular ones, and one crazy Sidecar for RMB 888.

他本人的风采和个性也通过那顶红军帽和老式三轮摩托车展现在大家的面前。His unique style and character were perhaps best shown by the Red Army hat he wore as he drove his old style sidecar motorcycle to school.

禁止外来机动车中的二轮摩托车、轻便摩托车、侧三轮摩托车在本市外环线以内的道路上行驶。Among out-of-town motor vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and motorcycles with sidecar are prohibited on the roads inside the Outer Ring Road of this Municipality.

一个早期德国的设计已经演变成为北京一个很酷的文化代表。我们用这款设计来纪念CJ750的侧三轮摩托车,还有在开放路段上飙驰的惊险刺激。German-heritage design that has been integrated into Beijing's subculture of "cool", this graphic commemorates the CJ750 sidecar and the thrill of the open road.