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供暖系统。A heating system.

用加热体例来弯管子。Bend the pipe by heating it.

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想念暖气片。I miss the heating radiator.

我把暖气开小些,好吗?Shall I turn the heating down?

加热板可微调。Heating plate can be fine adjusted.

中央供暖系统6点半供暖。The central heating comes on at 6.30.

我们正在安装新的供暖系统。We are installing a new heating system.

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受热面管子内表面洁净无垢。Inside heating surface of tube is clean.

需要怎么做?加热,对吧?So I'm doing cooling and heating cycles.

我们刚刚安装了中央供暖设备。We have just instal led central heating.

有地板采暖泄下吗?。Is there a floor heating vent next to it?

讨论了钢丝圈的发热和磨损。Traveller heating and wear are discussed.

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马粪可以用于家庭取暖。Horse dung could be used for home heating.

它也包括地热热系统。It also covers geothermal heating systems.

可拆卸的发热管装置,方便了维修更换。Heating pipe is moveable, easy to exchange.

最常见的处理方式是加热。The commonest form of treatment is heating.

铸塑件的形状可以通过加热进一步改变。Cast forms may be further shaped by heating.

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这个新供暖系统耗电量很大。This new heating system eats up electricity.

对铜棒加热会使它膨胀。Heating a copper bar will cause it to expand.

供热公司如此下血本,实在是无奈啊。Heating bill, so the company is helpless now.